Returning to NLU


Students who have previously attended NLU, but have been away from the University for one calendar year or longer, but fewer than five calendar years (excluding the summer session or an approved leave of absence), must submit a Returning Student Form.

The following rules apply to re-entry:

  • Students return with the same academic status as when they left
  • Students who were dismissed for reasons of academic ineligibility may apply for reinstatement after two quarters of non-enrollment. Petition for reinstatement should be directed to the Office of the Registrar who will forward the petition to the governance unit designated by the respective college to deal with student appeals.
  • Students are subject to degree requirements in effect at the time of re-entry
  • Students must submit official transcripts of any college work taken since leaving NLU
  • Students must submit a statement concerning work, educational activities and any other information relevant to re-entry


Students who have previously attended NLU, but have been away from the University for five calendar years or longer (excluding the summer session or an approved leave of absence), must submit a new Admissions Application. 

The following rules apply to readmission: