Human Services Management M.S.

The M.S. in Human Services Management is an interdisciplinary program that combines content from the disciplines of industrial and organizational psychology, health administration, business administration, organizational development, and human resource management. Emphasis is on research-informed practice, immediate application at the workplace, and supporting/preparing students for advancement to or within a managerial position. It explores the applications of management to solving workplace issues with an emphasis on the human services field, and maximizing productivity and stakeholder satisfaction. 

Graduates will be prepared for professional practice in many types of profit and non-profit human service organizations, as well as governmental departments and agencies that regulate and support provision of human services, with a particular focus on using their knowledge of human services management to address the many challenges of managing employees, agency finances, funders, governmental entities, legislators, boards of directors, unions, advocacy groups, volunteers, media, families, and consumers.

This program is offered in a blended format.

In addition to the College of Professional Studies and Advancement Graduate Admission Requirements, the program requires:

  • A minimum of two professional letters of recommendation, addressing topics/questions as established and periodically revised by the faculty. Letters of recommendation must be written by individuals who know the candidate from an academic or professional perspective and are able to comment on the candidate’s capacity for undertaking graduate studies.
  • Faculty review

Program Details:

  • Requires 36 SH for completion

Required Courses

Gateway Course

HSM 500Human Services Management: Principles and Practices


Core Courses

HSM 505Managing Systems and Funding in Human Services


HSM 520Interventions and Direct Services in Human Services


HSM 530Professional Communication in Human Services


HRM 520Performance Analysis and Measurement


LAP 693Seminar in Program Evaluation


MBA 503Leadership & Organizational Behavior


MHA 527Health Care Finance


RES 510Research Methodology and Writing


RES 520Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis


Capstone Course

HSM 589Human Services Management Laboratory



Choose 3 SH from the courses below:

HSM 592Practicum in Human Services Management

1 TO 6

MBA 514Managerial Accounting


MBA 522Strategic Marketing


OBD 515Training and Development


Note: Students may select HRM, MBA, MGT, LAP, OBD, or other graduate level courses with the approval of Program Chair or designate. 

For more information about this program, visit