Superintendent Credential

Those who have a doctoral degree in education but not the superintendent credential may earn that endorsement at NLU. In Illinois it is the Superintendent Endorsement on the Professional Educator License (candidates must already have the general administrative or principal endorsement).

In addition to National College of Education Graduate Admissions Requirements, applicants must: 

  • Have a doctoral degree from regionally accredited institution in the field of educational administration, educational leadership, educational policy or a closely related subject
  • Pass the Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP) or ISBE approved alternative
  • Document evidence of at least two years of leadership in the educational field
  • Submit four letters of recommendation from people who are familiar with applicant’s professional or academic work (at least one from a person supervising professional work)
  • Submit a professional resume
  • Submit doctoral questions and answers response
  • Undergo faculty review
  • Sit for an interview
  • Note: If the applicant has received a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from NLU, then the four letters of recommendation, professional resume, doctoral questions and answers response, faculty review and interview are waived.

This credential requires:

  • A minimum of 9 SH of coursework; additional coursework, including 9 SH of internship, may be required upon evaluation of portfolio
  • A grade of “B” or better in all coursework
  • An electronic portfolio created in EDL 610
  • Note: This program is ineligible for federal financial aid

Required Courses - 9 SH

EDL 610Entry Portfolio Development for Superintendent Endorsement

1 TO 9

Note: If needed, additional courses and 9 SH of internship (EDL 690 Educational Leadership Internship) are selected in collaboration with an advisor to complete certification standards.