Procedure for Challenging the Record and Informal Proceedings

Should a student or parent (or another agent acting on their behalf in the case of medical or psychological records) feel that certain information within the educational record is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate, and wish to challenge such information, the parent or student may request a formal or informal hearing of their objections. The formal hearing request must be made in writing to the official representing the University in whose presence the record is being examined.

This official may offer to hear the objection at that time and thereby attempt to settle the objection in an informal way. Should such official be convinced of the validity of the objections made, they may, at that time, remove incorrect, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate information from the file; correct such information so that it is correct and satisfactory to the person stating the objections; or he or she may insert into the record an explanatory note written by the student or the parent. A summary of the proceedings, objections, and results shall be kept by that office, not in the student’s file.