Sex Offender Registration

Pursuant to the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act individuals are required to register as a sex offender with law enforcement agencies in the jurisdiction where their residence is located and in the jurisdiction where the college or university they attend is located, as well as registering with the college or university. Students who fail to register their status as a sex offender will face Student Conduct action for falsifying University records. Employees who fail to register their status as a sex offender will face employment action through the Office of Human Resources. The University may also contact local law enforcement authorities and offenders may face arrest.

If you are a student: You must, within three (3) business days of registration at NLU, notify in person the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction in which you reside and the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction where you are enrolled at NLU. You must also register with the NLU Student Conduct Officer by completing and submitting the form at within the three (3) business day period. You will be contacted for follow up once your form is received.

If you are an employee: You must, within three (3) business days of the first day of employment at NLU, notify in person the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction in which you reside and the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction where you are employed at NLU. You must also register with the NLU Office of Human Resources by completing and submitting the form at within the three (3) business day period. You will be contacted for follow up once your form is received.

If you are already enrolled at/employed by NLU at the time you become required to register as a sex offender, you must, within three (3) business days of the registration requirement, notify in person the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction in which you reside and the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction where you are enrolled at/are employed by NLU. You must also register with NLU by completing and submitting the form at within the three (3) business day period. You will be contacted for follow up once your form is received.

You must, within three (3) business days of changing your enrollment status/employment at NLU (commencement, termination, etc.) notify in person the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction in which you reside and the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction where you are enrolled at/are employed by NLU. You must also update your registration with NLU by completing and submitting the form at within the three (3) business day period. You will be contacted for follow up once your form is received.

You must renew your registration annually in person with the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction in which you reside and the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction where you are enrolled at/are employed by NLU. You must also renew your registration with NLU by completing and submitting the form at within the three (3) business day period. You will be contacted for follow up once your form is received. This renewal form should be submitted within one year from the date of your most recent registration and should be repeated annually until you complete your registration requirement.