Dual Credit

As part of our shared missions in providing access to higher education, National Louis University, Township High School District 214, and Chicago Public Schools District 299 have signed a memorandum of understanding to offer dual credit to their high school students. Dual credit allows students to earn college credit while also applying the credit toward high school graduation, it improves college affordability and helps provide a seamless transition to college. 

Students attending a participating high school can earn high school and college credit simultaneously by taking pre-selected college level courses.

NLU courses recognized for dual credit:

  • ACC 201- Principles of Financial Accounting, 5 quarter hours
  • ACC 202- Principles of Managerial Accounting, 5 quarter hours
  • BUS 101- Principles of Business, 5 quarter hours
  • BUS 295- Special Topics in Business and Management, 5 quarter hours
  • ELE 210/ ECE 210/ SPE 210- History and Philosophy of Education, 3 quarter hours
  • EPS 300- Educational Psychology: Theory in Classroom Practice, 5 quarter hours

Please visit http://www.nl.edu/admissions/d214/ for more detailed information.