CIL 500 Foundations of ESL and Bilingual Education

The course provides an understanding of the historical, political, sociocultural and educational concepts and issues that affect linguistically and culturally diverse students in schools. The course considers local, state, and federal policies regarding responsibilities and appropriate school and preschool services for English language learners. Cognitive and sociocultural theories of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), bilingualism and multilingualism are analyzed for their pedagogical implications. Specific program models are examined as well. Assigned course requirements include the completion of 20 clinical/observation hours. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIL 501 Introduction to Linguistics for TESOL

This course introduces the following dimensions of linguistics: language and the brain, first and second language acquisition, major components of linguistics (e.g., phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and sociolinguistics), and cognition and learning. Emphasis is placed on the applicability of linguistics for ESL and bilingual education teachers and their students. Assigned course requirements include the completion of 20 clinical/observation hours. Prerequisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIL 505 Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language

This course prepares candidates in methodology for teaching language and content to English Language Learners. Candidates examine and apply conceptual and pedagogical tools for teaching English as a second language based on theories of second language acquisition, pedagogy, and methodology. Candidates explore how to use these tools to create effective language and content instruction that is differentiated according to language proficiency. Additionally, relevant national, state, and local language and content standards and assessments are discussed in relation to teaching ESL. Appropriate selection, and evaluation of books multimedia, and technology is also discussed. Assigned course requirements include the completion of 20 clinical/observation hours. Prerequisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIL 506 Methods and Materials for Teaching Bilingual Education

This course prepares candidates to teach language and content in bilingual education programs. Candidates examine and apply bilingual pedagogical practices based on theories of first, second, and bilingual language acquisition and biliteracy. Candidates explore tools to create effective bilingual instruction that promotes high academic achievement, English language acquisition, development of students’ home languages, and transfer of skills and content knowledge between languages. Additionally, relevant national, state, and local language and content standards are discussed in relation to teaching in bilingual programs The course also addresses selection and evaluation of books, and other resources in English and additional languages. Assigned course requirements include the completion of 20 clinical hours. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIL 510 Assessment of ESL and Bilingual Education Students

This course focuses on the equitable assessment of English language learners (ELLs). Participants explore the ways assessment of ELLs is conceptualized within larger historical, social, cultural, and political contexts. Using theoretical models that account for the intersection of second language acquisition and academic achievement, participants engage in examining, adapting, or developing effective classroom assessments that measure English language proficiency and content area learning. Participants also review state and national language proficiency and content standards, and examine how they are measured in mandated assessments. Assigned course requirements include the completion of 20 clinical/observation hours Prerequisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIL 511 Family Literacy for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Learners

Participants will explore the field of family literacy with English Language Learners (ELL), including theoretical bases, program models, and best practices. Topics include exploring socio-cultural underpinnings of family literacy, identifying funds of knowledge in families and ways to acknowledge and value that knowledge in school settings, building the home-school connection, supporting adult basic literacy and English language learning, creating literacy learning opportunities in the home, and utilizing community resources. The course is appropriate for those working in a setting with English Language Learners. Course includes 20 clinical hours. Prerequisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIL 512 Literacy in a New Language: Linguistic Considerations

The course focuses upon the multiyear process of developing literacy in English as a new language, critical to academic success for English language learners (ELLs). Major topics include the importance of first and second language listening and speaking (oracy), the effect of first language phonemes, morphemes, syntax, cognates, discourse, and writing systems on second language literacy, and complex cross-linguistic relationships. Linguistic systems, principles, models, and methods and techniques for developing literacy in a new language are analyzed. Research-based best practices in ELL literacy instruction across P-12 settings are examined, with attention to academic language, discipline- specific vocabulary, and writing. Assigned course requirements include the completion of 20 clinical/observation hours. Prerequisite(s): None. Fulfills the linguistics requirement or the elective requirement for the State of Illinois ESL Endorsement, Bilingual Endorsement, or ESL/Bilingual Endorsement. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIL 531 Cross Cultural Education

The course examines the impact of culture and cultural identity on diverse learners, in particular in relation to English language learners within the educational system. It explores the complex and dynamic relationship between language and culture, and the development of personal and group identities, and emphasizes the importance of culture as a source of strength in a changing world. Participants examine culturally and linguistically relevant instructional practices and their role in student success. Participants explore family, school and community practices across cultures and ways that teachers and schools can support them to create welcoming and nurturing instructional settings. Assigned course requirements include the completion of 20 observational/clinical hours. Prerequisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


CIL 532 Technology Instruction for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students

The use of appropriate digital tools and technologies in educational settings with linguistically and culturally diverse students is discussed in relation to current research and standards. A variety of digital tools and technology practices by which they can be used to empower teaching and learning of diverse students are explored. Further, topics of digital literacy, digital citizenship, and how to leverage technology to engage families are addressed. The goal is to provide teachers with tools and resources to effectively apply technology to meet English language learners’ varied needs and to enhance and transform learning. Assigned course requirements include the completion of 20 clinical/observation hours. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours