Catalog Eligibility and Degree Requirements

To earn an undergraduate degree, a student must meet the degree and major requirements published in an annual PSU Bulletin (catalog) for which the student is eligible and which is still valid at the time of the student’s graduation. This applies to a first bachelor’s degree, subsequent bachelor’s degrees and to certificates earned by undergraduate and postbaccaluareate students.

Catalog eligibility rules

Students may select the requirements of the PSU catalog in effect during the year they first enrolled at any accredited, postsecondary institution, or any subsequent year, regardless of whether the student was enrolled or not, as long as the student graduates within seven years of the year selected.

Seven-year rule

The requirements in any Bulletin (catalog) are valid for seven years. Specifically, a catalog is valid through the summer term following the seventh academic year after issuance of the catalog. Example: The 2015-16 catalog requirements will expire at the end of summer term 2022.