Overview of Program Requirements for Adolescence Education, Middle Childhood Education, and Music Education K-12

Each of these education programs is housed in an appropriate academic department, where students take the various content courses for the degree. Students should check the department information in the catalog and on the web, for information on the content courses for the teaching of high school Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, English, French, Spanish, Social Studies, and Mathematics, as well as for the teaching of Middle School Mathematics and for the teaching of K-12 Music. In addition to the content courses, students are expected to complete a series of pedagogical content courses and professional education courses as well as early field experiences and student teaching. Some of these courses will be offered through the College of Education, whereas others will be offered through the content department.

Required Professional Education Courses Include:

EDU 105 (or Departmental Equivalent MAED 105, SCED 105, ENED 101, etc.) with field experience

EDU 224 Adolescent Development

EDU 250 Introduction to the Exceptional Learner

EDU 251 Practicum in Inclusive Education II

EDU 276 (or Departmental Equivalent MAED 276, SCED 276, etc.)

EDU 301, EDU 302, and EDU 303

EDU 305 (or Departmental Equivalent MAED 305, SCED 305, etc.) with field experience

EDU 349 Educational Psychology

Methods and Student Teaching

In addition, as of December 31, 2013, candidates in all education programs are required to complete training under the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). Beginning in the Fall 2013 semester, the training required under the Dignity for All Student Act (DASA) was included in EDU 303 at Fredonia.