COMM 4090 Senior Presentation

Graduating students will present their final projects, portfolios, and/or performances before an audience of Communication and Media Studies faculty and students. Prerequisites: senior standing (intended for graduating students only). Offered Fall and Spring.


COMM 4150 Review for Certification Exam

This class prepares the student for taking the state certification exams for secondary teaching.


COMM 4190 Independent Study

Possible topics might include Introduction to Advertising, Online Journalism, Video Editing, Popular Culture and the Mass Media, Theories of the Mass Media, etc.


COMM 4195 Intern:Print Communication

Part-time employment experience in print journalism. Students will work with a mentor at a newspaper or magazine and learn writing, reporting, interviewing, time management, and research skills. Daily log of activities must be kept. Final paper and computer graphics presentation required upon completion. Prerequisite: COMM 3365 and senior standing (or permission of faculty advisor).


COMM 4196 Internship:Broadcasting

Part-time employment experience in broadcast journalism. Students will work with a mentor at a television or radio station and learn writing, reporting, camera operation, and research skills, as well as become familiar with editing, voice-overs, and other aspects of audio/video production. Daily log of activities must be kept. Final paper and computer graphics presentation required upon completion. Prerequisite: COMM 3365 and 3368 and senior standing (or permission of faculty advisor).


COMM 4197 Intern:Public Relations

Part-time employment experience in public relations or advertising. Students will work with a mentor in a PR or advertising capacity and learn writing, interviewing, time management, and research skills. Daily log of activiteis must be kept. Final paper and computer graphics presentation required upon completion. Prerequisite: COMM 4310 and senior standing (or permission of faculty advisor).


COMM 4198 Intern:Online Journalism

Part-time employment experience in online journalism. Students will work with a mentor at a newspaper or magazine and learn production skills related to online newspapers and magazines. Daily log of activities must be kept. Final paper and computer graphics presentation required upon completion. Prerequisite: COMM 3365 and senior standing (or permission of faculty advisor).


COMM 4290 Independent Study

Possible topics might include Introduction to Advertising, Online Journalism, Video Editin g, Popular Culture and the Mass Media. Theor ies of the Mass Media, etc.


COMM 4330 SpecialTopics in Public Relation

This is a course for junior and senior Mass Communication/Public Relations majors which deals with contemporary issues in public relations theory and practice. The subject matter of the course will vary depending on issues that are prominent in the public relations field, but may include political campaigns, public opinion research and public relations as a management function. Offered Spring only. Prerequisite: COMM 2370.


COMM 4340 Law&Regulation/Mass Media

Discussion of legal concepts in mass communication and journalism, including libel, obscenity, privacy, copyright, and telecommunications issues. Students will give in-class presentations on legal controversies and important court cases in the mass communication field. Prerequisite: COMM 2320 and 2360.


COMM 4350 Mass Media & Society

A survey of controversial issues regarding the mass media's effect on society, including violent and sexual content, government regulation, racial and ethnic stereotyping, media bias and the impact of new technologies. Prerequisite: COMM 2320.


COMM 4360 Editing

This course is designed to help writers distance themselves from the creative process and function as editors of the own work and work of others, focusing on meaning accuracy, logic, language, sense, organization, style, and form appropriate to audience and medium. Students will edit local and wire service copy and become familiar with editing terms and procedures. Students will produce PR communication tools such as newsletters, brochures, media kits, media lists, audio news releases, speeches and public service announcements. Prerequisite: COMM 2360.


COMM 4370 Dist/Comm&Performance

The study of distance communication and performance in terms of modern computer-mediated technologies such as e-mail, e-discussion groups, websites, videostreaming, webcasting, videoconferencing, teleconferencing, satellite presentation and other topics at the discretion of the instructor.


COMM 4380 Spc Problems/Communication

Capstone course examining a single topic in contemporary society from a communication perspective. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor.


COMM 4385 Internship in Speech Education

Students will work with a mentor in a speech classroom, in a local high school and learn effective pedagogical techniques in speech.


COMM 4390 Independent Study

Possible topics might include Introduction to Advertising, Online Journalism, Video Editin g, Popular Culture and the Mass Media, Theori es of the Mass Media, etc.


COMM 4395 Internship in Communication

Part-or full-time employment experience in a communication-related field off campus. Students will keep a log of all activities and report to the sponsoring faculty member as required. On-site mentors will evaluate student's performance of agreed-upon tasks. Prerequisite: junior standing and permission of faculty advisor.


COMM 4490 Independent Study

Possible topics might inlcude Introduction to Advertising, Online Journalism, Video Editin g, Popular Culture and the Mass Media, Theori es of the Mass Media, etc.