POLS 2310 State&Federal Govt I

A study of the federal and state constitutions and governments with emphasis on civil rights and liberties, elections, political parties, and interest groups. Meets the requirements for Texas teacher certification.


POLS 2311 St&Federal Govt II

A study of the federal and state constitutions and governments with emphasis on governmental structures, processes, and policy making. Meets the requirements for Texas teacher certification.


POLS 2315 Comparative Political Systems

Comparative study of the political and governmental systems of various states; emphasis on understanding different types of political systems and th eir institutions through close study of specific case study states from regions across the world.


POLS 2320 Topics and Methods of Political Sci

An introduction for political science majors and minors and those considering the field, to the methods, specialized language and topics covered by political science, including an examination of its four sub-disciplines: comparative politics, international relations, American government and political theory.