Curriculum and Instruction (M.Ed.)

Dr. George Willey, Program Director

The Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction degree is a 30-hour program which will prepare specialists in curriculum and instruction design, management, and implementation in PK-12 and post-secondary learning environments. In addition to this focus, a student-selected cognate will afford the opportunity for advanced study in a complementary area. Students who satisfactorily complete the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction will be prepared to serve as curriculum specialists, in both public and private, as well as PK-12 and postsecondary education endeavors. Individual cognate choices within the Curriculum and Instruction program can be tailored to meet certain requirements for certificated areas.

In addition to admission requirements, entry into the Educator Preparation Program involves a team review of multiple criteria, including prior academic performance, verbal communication skills, written communication skills, disposition, integrity, professional demeanor, critical thinking, and more. Candidates seeking teaching certification must be admitted into the Education Preparation Program prior to beginning coursework.

Degree Requirements

View degree plan.

Required courses:

EDUC 6352Applications of Educational Research


EDUC 6340Assessment and Evaluation


EDAD 6362School Law


EDAD 6364Administration of Special Programs


EDAD 6367School & Its Instructional Program


15 hours from one of the following cognates:

Teacher Certification

Administration of Intervention Cognate
EDUC 6357Behavior Analysis


READ 6301Problems in Teaching Reading EC-12


READ 5354Assessment & Pedagogy for Teachers of ELL


EDUC 6320Analysis of Mathematical Constructs


EDAD 6361Instructional Supervision


READ 6301: Course may require leveling course determined by program director review of transcripts.
Teacher Certification Cognate

Students opting to student teach will enroll in EDUC 6303 Student Teaching during the fall or the spring semester of their student teaching assignment. Prior to enrolling in EDUC 6303 Student Teaching, students must complete 10 semester hours of coursework and 50 clock hours of field-based experiences. The 50 clock hours are done through coordination with the graduate advisor and the Director of Field Experiences.

Students opting to intern will enroll in EDUC 6103 Internship three times, once per semester for three semesters, resulting in an enrollment of 10 hours each semester. Successful completion of 10 hours of coursework is one of TEA's requirements for internship eligibility. Other TEA requirements for internship eligibility are completion of 50 clock hours of field-based experiences and passing all applicable Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) content exams. Students will have the opportunity to complete the 50 hours of field-based experiences and take all applicable TExES content exams during their first semester of enrollment in EDUC 6103 Internship. Students meeting all TEA eligibility requirements for an internship and securing employment as the teacher of record in a TEA-approved internship assignment will enroll in EDUC 6103 Internship during both the fall and the spring semesters of their internship.



EDUC 5303Curriculum & Instruction


EDUC 6357Behavior Analysis


READ 5355Disciplinary Literacy


EDUC 5338Seminar


Choose from Student Teaching or Internship
EDUC 6303Student Teaching



EDUC 6103Internship


EDUC 6103Internship


EDUC 6103Internship


Note: All students, whether opting to student teach or to intern, are required to pass the Pre-Admission Content Test (PACT) for their desired certification area PRIOR to beginning the teacher certification program.

Note: While the College of Education does secure student teaching assignments for students, the College of Education does not secure internship assignments for students. Because students completing internships are hired by districts as teachers of record, students must identify, apply for, interview for, and be selected for a TEA-approved internship assignment on their own initiative.