
Dr. Laura Bedwell, Chairperson

The aims of the English Department are to promote the knowledge and appreciation of literature, to introduce the basic concepts of rhetoric and argumentation, and to help students master principles of effective writing. In addition, the department helps majors and minors to prepare for careers in teaching or other fields and provides the foundation needed for graduate study. Creative writing is encouraged by the opportunity to contribute to and produce the University literary magazine, the Baylorian. Students may also participate in the production of a professional literary journal, Windhover: A Journal of Christian Literature, and in the bi-annual Writers’ Festival.

In advanced courses, students engage in a variety of activities, including oral and written reports, essays, research assignments, class discussions, and lectures. Students are expected to use the library effectively and to begin to be proficient in literary criticism.

Students may not use more than six hours of credit by exam for English or Writing courses. This includes credits earned by any combination of exams (AP, CLEP, etc.). For more information about credit by exam, consult the most recent guidelines established by Testing and Counseling. The Department encourages students to take ENGL 1321 and ENGL 1322 during their freshman year in order to learn the conventions of academic writing.

Unless students have been awarded credit by exam or have transferred appropriate credits from an accepted institution, freshmen must begin with ENGL 1321. After completing ENGL 1321, students must take ENGL 1322 before they are eligible to take sophomore-level courses. All students must have credit for three hours of freshman English and three hours of sophomore English before taking junior (3000-level) courses and any WRIT course, and credit for three hours of junior (3000-level) English before taking senior (4000-level) ENGL courses.

Note: Students who score a 29 or higher on the ACT ENGLISH section or a 680 on the SAT ERBW will receive credit for ENGL 1321.