Online-Distance Education-Blended Course Requirements
Effective January 21, 2015, the distance education course requirements have been updated.
New students will receive login information from the University via email at least one week prior to the start of class. Students will receive access to course materials within 7 days after being officially accepted for admission to the University. Current students can go directly to and use the credentials provided to them. If a student forgets his/her username or password he/she can click on the “forgot password” link and reset the password using their WCU student ID as their username; or the student may call the 800 number on the login screen, and a link to reset the password will be sent to the email address on file.
The University’s online learning environment includes a substantial expectation of interactive virtual learning activities and engagement. Chat rooms and threaded discussions promote productive class interaction, and allow students to connect with faculty members for help and guidance. Chat rooms are open for discussion with peers (at any time) or faculty (during office hours). Online courses also engage students with interactive learning exercises and animated activities, and can include instant messaging, live meeting rooms, and multimedia materials which provide an audio visual learning advantage. Students are able to see and hear each lesson from any computer with access to the Internet that meets the hardware and software specifications as noted below. Animations, graphs, charts, and slide presentations are regularly integrated into the courses.
Several of the academic program curricula include blended courses. Blended courses combine traditional or in residence classroom with online delivery of instruction. “Bookend” blended courses, for example, meet on-ground the first and last days of class; all class meetings between are delivered using online instruction. Program specific information is provided in the program descriptions, where applicable. Students enrolled in online or blended courses are required to participate in online course activities as outlined in each course’s syllabus.