BADM 4090 Practical Experience

All College of Business students are required before they may graduate to have 300 hours of practical experience in the field of their major during their junior and senior years. Every student should register for this course during the semester in which they will complete their 300 hours requirement. This course may be retaken if the 300 hours are not completed the first time a student registers for the course. This course is a Credit/No Credit course.


BADM 4312 Global Business as Mission

This course examines the intersection of Christian faith and professional business enterprises. Major historical movements will be examined. Current practices will be explained and discussed. Practical projects will be required.


BADM 4320 Global Social Enterprise

This course examines the intersection of service and profession in business enterprises. Topics include major thought areas and current practices. Practical projects are a requirement.


BADM 4333 Effective Organizational Leadership

"Effective Organizational Leadership" (EOL) is designed to take the organization leader and future leader beyond the basics of managing resources. EOL examines the characteristics of effective leaders, the process involved in moving from manager to leader, and leadership tools to help insure success in leading organizations.


BADM 4341 Business Ethics

Ethical issues of business decisions and actions will be examined from a Christian perspective. The influence of society and government on these business decisions and actions will also be studied. Prerequisite: Senior standing.


BADM 4351 Global Commerce

An interdisciplinary survey of how companies and nations operate in the global economy. Topics include business strategy, functional business areas in global commerce, analyses of regional economies, cross-border operations management, global business institutions, and global business ethics. Prerequisite: BMGT3310.


BADM 4381 Comparative Global Business Infrastructures

An interdisciplinary introduction to the commercial infrastructure problems and opportunities that face firms engaged in global business. Special emphasis will be placed upon the comparison of global business critical success factors across economic regions of the world. Prerequisite: BMGT 3310.


BADM 4395 Internship

This course permits students to enhance their knowledge within their major field of specialization through application of concepts, principles, and techniques learned in the classroom. It consists of supervised paid or unpaid activities as a professional-level intern for an employer with an approved internship program. Application must be approved prior to registration. Prerequisite: Junior standing, 3.0 GPA in major and overall, and consent of the Associate Dean.