EE 402 Microwave and Optical Transmission

Review of Maxwell's equations and the wave equation. Uniform plane waves in a lossy medium. Wave polarization. Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves at planar boundaries. Normal incidence. Antireflection coatings and radomes. Oblique incidence. Brewster angle. Total internal reflection. Theory of parallel-plate waveguides. Rectangular and circular waveguides. Dielectric slab waveguides.



EE 301

EE 403 Communication Systems

Introduction to analog and digital communication systems with emphasis on modulation, demodulation, encoding, decoding, and synchronization techniques used in wireless systems. MATLAB is used to simulate communication systems and to process real RF signals.



EE 262

EE 404 Automatic Control Systems

Modeling and control of continuous-time control systems. Topics include feedback, transfer functions, responses in the time and frequency domains, stability, and compensation. Applications include manufacturing and robotics.


MTH 321

EE 420 Energy Conversion

Principles, models, and applications of electromagnetic and electromechanical devices including transformers and motors. Applications include power systems, manufacturing processes, robotics, and consumer products.



EE 261

EE 421 Electric Power Systems

Introduction to the modeling, design, and operation of modern power generation, transmission, and distribution systems. Topics include complex power, three-phase systems, compensation, and power flow.



EE 261

EE 424 Renewable Energy

Study of renewable energy systems including photovoltaic, wind, geothermal systems, biofuels, and tidal energy. Overview of renewable energy credits, sustainability definitions, life cycle assessment, and exergy assessment techniques.


ME 331

Cross Listed Courses

ME 438

EE 433 Microprocessor Interfacing and Communications

Introduction to microcontrollers. PIC18 microcontroller instruction set architecture and assembly language programming. Timers and interrupt handling. Parallel input/output device interfacing. Serial communications using UART, Inter-IC (12C) bus. Analog-to-digital converter interface. A PIC18F452 8-bit microcontroller-based embedded system consisting of keypad, LCD display, and RS232 serial port is implemented through laboratory assignments.



EE 333

EE 434 ASIC Design

Introduction to ASIC (application-specific integrated circuits) design flow. Synthesis of combinational and sequential logic. Synthesis of hardware description language constructs. Post-synthesis design tasks. FPGA (field programmable gate array) architectures. Design prototyping with FPGAs.



EE 435

EE 435 Verilog Digital Systems Modeling

Introduction to Verilog-based design process. Hierarchical modeling methodology. Basic Verilog language structures for modeling digital hardware functions. Modules and ports. Gate-level modeling. Data flow modeling. Behavioral modeling. Tasks and functions. Useful modeling techniques in digital system design. Component timing and delay modeling. Logic synthesis with Verilog HDL.



EE 231 or equivalent.

EE 437 Advanced Computer Architecture

Processor control unit design techniques. Pipelined data path and control unit design. Cache memory and cache coherency design techniques. Memory management using virtual memory. Case studies of contemporary high-performance computer architectures.



EE 333

EE 438 Introduction to Digital VLSI Design

Introduction to digital CMOS VLSI chip design using Tanner's L-EDIT layout software, and PSPICE. Topics include CMOS gate logic design simulation and layout, speed and power considerations, and CMOS VLSI chip design using Standard Cells. Students are required to complete a modest-sized CMOS integrated circuit design project through layout, simulation, and verification.



EE 231

EE 443 Computer Vision

Introduction to computer vision. Computer vision system components and lighting techniques. Binary image processing: image filtering, histogram equalization, thresholding, and edge detection. Image analysis and representation: region segmentation and low-level image description. Camera model and stereo vision.



Upper division standing.

EE 451 Advanced Analog Electronics

Analysis and design of advanced MOS analog electronic circuits. Topics include advanced MOS semiconductor device models, active loaded amplifiers, operational amplifiers, feedback compensation, and switched-capacitor filters. PSPICE is used as a circuit simulation tool. An introduction to photovoltaics, thermoelectronics, and nanoelectronics is also included.



EE 352

EE 462 Digital Signal Processing

This course covers techniques used to process digital signals in applications such as audio filtering and speech recognition. Topics include analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions, aliasing, quantization, discrete-time signals and systems, discrete-time Fourier transform, Z-transform, and digital filter design. MATLAB is used to demonstrate concepts and to process real signals.



EE 262

EE 483 Electrical Engineering Capstone Project I

A major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and incorporating appropriate standards and multiple realistic constraints. Projects have some combination of the following characteristics: realism, communication, exposure, teamwork, learning, and related opportunities. EE 483 and EGR 300 replace EE 480. Fee: $40.


EGR 300

EE 484 Electrical Engineering Capstone Project II

Continuation of a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and incorporating appropriate standards and multiple realistic constraints. Projects have some combination of the following characteristics: realism, communication, exposure, teamwork, learning, and related opportunities. Replaces EE 481. Fee: $40.


EE 483

EE 490 Directed Study

Selected study or project in electrical engineering for upper-division students. Must be arranged between the student and an individual faculty member and subsequently approved by the dean of engineering. No more than three hours of directed study taken at the University may be used for elective credits to satisfy degree requirements.


EE 491 Seminar

Credit Arranged.


EE 492 Seminar

Credit Arranged.


EE 493 Research

Faculty-directed student research. Before enrolling, a student must consult with a faculty member to define the project. May be repeated for credit.


Upper division standing.