EGR 211 Engineering Mechanics-Statics

Quantitative description of forces, moments, and couples acting upon engineering structures. The free-body diagram is used to understand the equilibrium of a whole physical system through isolation of each component particle or body.



MTH 201 with C- or better AND PHY 204

EGR 212 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics

Dynamics mathematically describes the motions of bodies under the action of forces. The first part introduces kinematics which deals with the geometry of motion without considering applied forces. The second part, kinetics, relates the forces on bodies to the resulting motions.



MTH 202 , EGR 211

EGR 214 Principles of Dynamics

Dynamics mathematically describes the motions of bodies under the action of forces. The first part introduces kinematics which deals with the geometry of motion without considering applied forces. The second part, kinetics, relates the forces on bodies to the resulting motions.  The topic of kinetics is introduced without an emphasis on impulse and momentum. First offering in spring 2015.


EGR 211, MTH 202.

EGR 221 Materials Science

Provides a fundamental understanding of the principles of materials science as they apply to typical engineering materials. Includes consideration of atomic bonding, crystal structures, phase transformations, and mechanical properties.



CHM 207

EGR 270 Materials Laboratory

Provides hands-on experience with the standard methods of processing and evaluating typical engineering materials. Includes experiments in tensile testing, heat treatment, microscopic examination, strain hardening, and impact testing. Fee: $40.



EGR 221


EGR 070

EGR 277 Introduction to Fabrication

Students will gain familiarity with a wide variety of common fabrication processes through shop demonstrations and hands-on experience. Graded on a P/NP basis. Fee: $40.


Sophomore standing in Shiley School of Engineering.