MTH 301 Vector Calculus

The study of functions in several variables: vectors, matrices, partial derivatives, gradients, optimization, and integration. Differentiation and integration of vector-valued functions, line integrals, surface integrals, curl, divergence, Green's Theorem, and Stokes' Theorem.



MTH 202 with a grade of C- or higher or permission of instructor.

MTH 303 Computational Methods in Physical Sciences

Computational techniques for solving physics and chemistry problems as well as for simulating, analyzing, and graphically visualizing physical systems and processes. Offered fall of odd years.


PHY 204 or PHY 201, MTH 202

Cross Listed Courses

CHM 303, PHY 303

MTH 311 Discrete Structures

Topics may include: set theory, logic, methods of proof, combinatorics, recurrence relations, graphs, and Boolean algebra.



MTH 201 with a grade of C- or better or MTH 202 as a prerequisite or concurrent.

MTH 321 Ordinary Differential Equation

Introduction to elementary ordinary differential equations with applications to physical processes with emphasis on first and second order equations, systems of linear equations, and Laplace transforms.



MTH 202 with a grade of C- or higher or permission of instructor.

MTH 322 Partial Differential Equations

Fourier series. Inner product spaces. Solutions to heat, wave, and Laplace's equations. Green's functions.



MTH 321

MTH 323 Nonlinear Dynamics

This course introduces the basic concepts and techniques in the study of dynamical systems, including nonlinear ordinary differential equations, difference equations, and systems of equations. Using a wide variety of applications from the physical sciences, we will cover analytical methods such as linear stability, bifurcations, phase plane analysis, limit cycles, Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling, and fractals.



MTH 321

MTH 341 Introduction to Linear Algebra

Systems of linear equations and matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.



MTH 202

MTH 345 Number Theory

An introduction to the study of the integers and related objects. Topics are taken from among the following: divisibility, primes and the Euclidean algorithm, the Euler phi-function, special primes and perfect numbers, congruences mod n, quadratic residues, continued fractions, quadratic forms, Diophantine equations.



MTH 311

MTH 351 Numerical Methods in Computing I

Numerical techniques for computer-aided solution of non-linear equations, systems of equations, interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, and solution of ordinary differential equations. Fee: $25.



CS 203, MTH 321 or MTH 341

MTH 356 Mathematical Methods for Science and Engineering

Ordinary differential equations, complex variables and matrices are developed and illustrated through applications in physics with emphasis on examples from the fields of vibrations and waves.



MTH 202

Cross Listed Courses

PHY 356

MTH 361 Applied Statistics I

An introduction to statistical methods utilized across disciplines. Topics include experimental design, randomization and sampling distributions, tests of statistical significance, normal model, confidence intervals, t-procedures, two-sample comparisons, one-way analysis of variance, simple linear regression, and bootstrapping. The course makes substantial use of programming in a statistical software package.



MTH 201

MTH 387 Service Learning in Mathematics

This seminar supports students working in local schools as part of the Outreach Excel Program. Students discuss questioning and group work strategies, classroom management, current school mathematics curriculum, and interaction techniques with middle and high school students. This is a Pass/No Pass course and may be repeated for credit. Does not count towards math major.


MTH 390 Directed Study

Credit arranged.


MTH 392 Seminar

Credit arranged.
