POLS 2310 State and Federal Government I

A study of the federal and Texas state constitutions and governments, including their historical development and evolution, with treatment of civil rights and liberties, elections, political parties, and interest groups. Meets the requirements for Texas teacher certification.


POLS 2311 State and Federal Government II

A study of the federal and Texas state constitutions and governments with emphasis on governmental structures, processes, and policy making. Meets the requirements for Texas teacher certification.


POLS 2315 Comparative Political Systems

An introduction for Political Science majors, minors and those considering the field, to the study of politics globally, with emphasis on state case studies highlighting types of political systems and governmental institutions.


POLS 2320 Topics and Methods of Political Science

An introduction for Political Science majors minors and those considering the field, to the means, specialized vocabulary and concepts used in the discipline of Political Science, through an examination of current issues and topics.