2017-2018 Catalog

Advanced Industrial Sales Representative (IAISD)

Award: Career certificate

Pathway to associate degree: Industrial Distribution (IMID2)

Program location: South Omaha Campus

This career certificate enhances students’ knowledge of distribution sales. This career certificate is generally for students who are already doing sales or who have completed the Beginning Industrial Sales Representative career certificate.

For more information about educational cost, median loan debt, and other important information related to this program, please visit our website at mccneb.edu/Academics/Programs-of-Study/Industrial-Technology/Industrial-and-Commercial-Trades.aspx.

Requirements for Advanced Industrial Sales Representative career certificate (29.5 credit hrs.)

BSAD 1000Introduction to BusinessThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

BSAD 1010Principles of MarketingThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

BSAD 2100Principles of ManagementThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

BSAD 2400Business Logistics

4.5 credits

BSAD 2410Purchasing and Materials Management

4.5 credits

INCT 2050Problem-Solving

3.0 credits

PRMA 1050Print Reading

4.0 credits