2017-2018 Catalog

Industrial Electrical/Mechanical Maintenance (IMEM2)

Award: Associate in applied science degree

Program location: South Omaha Campus

This degree option provides education and training for maintenance personnel at industrial and commercial facilities. Students learn standard and advanced electrical systems, mechanical systems, and hydraulic/pneumatic systems.

Graduation Requirements

General education


Major requirements


Electives 6.0-9.0

Total credit hours required


General education requirements (27.0 credit hrs.)


English level I

4.5 credits

English level II

4.5 credits

Humanities/social sciences

Humanities/social sciences

4.5 credits

Quantitative/numeracy skills

MATH 1240Applied Mathematics

4.5 credits


INFO 1001Information Systems and LiteracyThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

HMRL 1010Human Relations SkillsThis is an online course.This is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits


RDLS 1200College Success StrategiesThis is an online course.

4.5 credits

Major requirements for Industrial Electrical/Mechanical Maintenance (67.0 credit hrs.)

INCT 1000Industrial Safety and Health

4.5 credits

INCT 1212Motor and Machine Controls

9.0 credits

INCT 2060Mechanical Power Systems

4.0 credits

INCT 2070Hydraulics and Pneumatics

4.0 credits

INCT 2231Programmable Logic Controllers I

4.5 credits

INCT 2232Programmable Logic Controllers II

4.5 credits

INCT 2235Programmable Logic Controllers Applications

9.0 credits

ELTR 1200Basic Electricity

8.0 credits

PLBG 1010Introduction to Plumbing

6.5 credits

PRMA 1050Print Reading

4.0 credits

WELD 1100Industrial Cutting Processes

3.0 credits

WELD 1200Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) - Steel I

3.0 credits

WELD 1500Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Stick) - Flat

3.0 credits

Electives (6.0-9.0 credit hrs.)

Select a total of 6.0 to 9.0 credit hours from the following:

ELTR 1210Residential Wiring

9.0 credits

INCT 2981Internship

6.0 credits

INFO 1615Digital ElectronicsThis is a hybrid course.

4.5 credits

PRMA 1401Machine Tool I

9.0 credits

PROT 1302Stationary Engineering I

3.0 credits

WELD 1300Oxy-Acetylene Welding

3.0 credits

See Curriculum Plan