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CAH - AUD Multidisciplinary
CD - Communication Sciences and Disorders
CH - Communication Sciences and Disorders Multidisciplinary
CSH - SLPD Multidisciplinary
GC - Genetic Counseling
OT - Occupational Therapy
OH - Occupational Therapy Multidisciplinary
PA - Physician Assistant Studies
PT - Physical Therapy
RS - Rehabilitation Sciences PhD
HRS - Rehabilitation Sciences PhD Multidisciplinary
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CA 710 Auditory Assessment - Behavioral Measures
CA 712 Auditory Assessment – Objective Measures
CA 714 Pediatric Audiology
CA 720 Anatomy and Physiology of Hearing
CA 722 Auditory Perception and Psychoacoustics
CA 723 Etiology and Differential Diagnosis
CA 724 Genetics of Hearing Loss
CA 730 Hearing Technology 1 - Hearing Aids
CA 731 Hearing Technology 2 - Advanced Hearing Aids
CA 732 Hearing Technology 3 - Implantable Devices
CA 740 Principles of Vestibular Function and Evaluation
CA 742 Advanced Vestibular Assessment and Balance Disorders
CA 760 Clinical Preparation and Observation
CA 762 Clinical Practicum 1
CA 764 Clinical Practicum 2
CA 812 Acoustics and Instrumentation
CA 820 Industrial Hearing, Conservation, and Screening
CA 822 Practice Management
CA 830 Advanced Audiology
CA 860 Clinical Internship 1
CA 862 Clinical Internship 2
CA 864 Clinical Internship 3
CA 880 Clinical Externship
CA 881 Clinical Externship
CA 882 Externship Seminar
CA 891 Mentored Project
CA 892 Mentored Project
CA 893 Mentored Project
CA 894 Mentored Project
CA 895 Mentored Project
CA 896 Mentored Project
CA 898 Clinical Externship Continuation
CAH 800A Special Topics in Hearing
CAH 800B Special Topics in Hearing
CAH 800C Special Topics in Hearing
CAH 810 Research Methods/Quality Improvements
CAH 832 Counseling
CAH 834 Adult Aural Rehabilitation
CAH 840 Pediatric Aural Habilitation and Educational Audiology
CD 721 Physiology, Acoustics, and Perception of Speech
CD 722 Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Communication and Swallowing
CD 724 Evidenced-Based Practice and Research Methods for Speech Language Pathologists
CD 732 Speech Sound Disorders in Children
CD 735 Foundations of Medical Speech Pathology
CD 743 Spoken and Written Language Development and Disorders-Part A: Foundational Concepts and Assessment
CD 744 Spoken and Written Language Development and Disorders-Part B: Language and Literacy Disorders in Early School Age
CD 745 Spoken and Written Language Development and Disorders-Part C: Intervention for Language for Learning and Advanced Language
CD 751 Aural Rehabilitation: Treatment of Hearing Disorders
CD 752 Hearing Skills Seminar
CD 760A Spoken and Written Clinical Practicum Seminar I
CD 760B Spoken and Written Clinical Practicum Seminar II
CD 761 SLLC Clinical Practicum I
CD 762 SLLC Clinical Practicum II
CD 770 Year 1 Clinical Outplacement Seminar
CD 822 Lang. Foundations of Literacy
CD 823 Development and Disorders of Oral Language, Reading and Writing
CD 824A Diagnostic Methods and Clinical Processes in Reading and Writing Disorders I
CD 824B Diagnostic Methods and Clinical Processes in Reading and Writing Disorders II
CD 825 Reading and Writing in the Schools
CD 826 Leading Literacy Change
CD 827 Teaching Narrative and Expository Literacy
CD 828 Teaching Language and Literacy to English Language Learners
CD 832 Voice Disorders
CD 833 Neuromotor Speech Disorders
CD 834 Alaryngeal Speech (Post-Laryngectomy) Seminar
CD 836 Genetics in Communication Disorders
CD 839 Aphasia in Adults: Assessment and Intervention
CD 840 Dysphagia in Adults & Children
CD 841 Fluency Disorders (Stuttering)
CD 843 Acquired Cognitively Based Communication Disorders (Traumatic Brain Injury)
CD 855 Acquired Reading and Writing Disorders
CD 856 Med SLP II: Clinical Decision Making
CD 857 Adult Neurodegenerative Syndromes Affecting Language and Cognition
CD 858 Special Topics
CD 859 Advanced Autism Seminar
CD 861 Advanced Seminar in Voice Disorders
CD 870A Clinical Seminar I
CD 870B Clinical Seminar II
CD 870C Clinical Seminar III
CD 871 Clinical Practicum III
CD 872 Clinical Practicum IV
CD 873 Clinical Practicum V
CD 874 Year 2 Clin Outplacement 4
CD 879A Structured Literacy Seminar
CD 879B Structured Literacy Practicum
CD 881 Year 2 CSD Reading Outplacement
CD 882 School-Based Reading Practicum for CAS program
CD 890 Capstone Project - Develop
CD 895 Research Proposal in CSD
CD 896 Thesis Research I
CD 897 Thesis Research II
CD 898 Thesis Continuation
CD 899 Independent Study
CH 721 Foundations of Cognition
CH 740 Early Intervention: Birth to Age 3
CH 745 Event Related Potentials
CH 760 Autism in the Caribbean
CH 800 Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
CH 835 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
CH 836 Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Counseling
CH 837 Tracheotomy and Ventilation Issues in a Medical Setting
CH 871 Special Topics in CSD
CS 883 Clinical Research Methods
CS 889 Scientific Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence into SLP Practice
CS 890 Practice Improvement Capstone Project I: Develop
CS 891 Practice Improvement Capstone Project 2: Define
CS 892 Practice Improvement Capstone Project 3: Advance
CS 892A Practice Improvement Capstone Project 3A: Build
CS 892B Practice Improvement Capstone Project 3B: Advance
CS 893 Practice Improvement Capstone Project 4: Disseminate
CS 894 Practice Improvement Capstone Project Continuation
CS 899 Independent Study
CSH 850 Seminar in Advanced Clinical Practice
CSH 851 Career Development Seminar
CSH 852 Advanced Scientific Decision Making in Speech Language Pathology
CSH 853 Clinical Supervision in Speech Language Pathology
CSH 881 Analyzing Influences in Health Care and Service Delivery
CSH 882 Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Health Professions
CSH 884 Outcomes Measurement
CSH 888 Quality Improvement and Program Evaluation in the Health Professions
GC 601 Introduction to the Genetic Counseling Profession
GC 602 Introduction to Counseling Techniques
GC 603 Pediatric & Adult Genetic Counseling
GC 604 Cancer Genetic Counseling
GC 610 Embryology & Teratology
GC 611 Preconception & Prenatal Genetic Counseling
GC 612 Laboratory Methods
GC 613 Metabolism
GC 621 Introduction to the Research Process/Capstone I
GC 631 Genetic Counseling Seminar I
GC 632 Genetic Counseling Seminar II
GC 661 Fieldwork I
GC 662 Fieldwork II
GC 663 Fieldwork III
GC 664 Fieldwork IV
GC 691 Capstone II
GC 701 Justice, Culture, and ELSI in Genetic Counseling
GC 705 Advanced Counseling Techniques
GC 706 Advanced Genetic Counseling Profession
GC 713 Advanced Clinical & Medical Genetics
GC 733 Genetic Counseling Seminar III
GC 734 Genetic Counseling Seminar IV
GC 751 Processing Group I
GC 752 Processing Group II
GC 765 Fieldwork V
GC 766 Fieldwork VI
GC 767 Fieldwork VII
GC 792 Capstone III
GC 793 Capstone IV
OT 601 Clinical Anatomy
OT 602 Neuroscience
OT 603 Movement, Context, and Occupational Performance
OT 610 Research Process I: Foundations and Scholarly Literature
OT 612 Research Process III: Implementation and Application
OT 621 Professional Reasoning I: Critical Inquiry and Decision Making
OT 622 Professional Reasoning II: Measurement Theory and Application
OT 630 Human Development and Occupation
OT 640 Health Conditions: Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
OT 650 Foundations of Occupational Therapy Practice
OT 651 Occupation, Community & Culture
OT 652 Communication, Collaboration, and Therapeutic Modes
OT 653 Foundations in Teaching and Learning
OT 660 Level 1 Fieldwork 1
OT 661 Level 1 Fieldwork 2
OT 662 Level 1 Fieldwork 3
OT 663 Level 1 Fieldwork 4
OT 664 Level 1 Fieldwork 5
OT 710 Professional Reasoning III: Environment and Participation
OT 720 Essentials of Evidence Based Practice for OT Pract
OT 730 Theory/Clin Reas in OT Prac
OT 760 Fieldwork Seminar
OT 761 Level 2 Fieldwork 1
OT 762 Level 2 Fieldwork 2
OT 763 Participation and Productive Aging
OT 765 Enabl Part for Pers w/Aphasia
OT 766 School-based Practice in Occup
OT 770 Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
OT 771 Occupational Therapy in Physical Dysfunction
OT 772 Splinting, Orthotics, and Prosthetics
OT 773 Leadership and Management: Policy, Delivery and Systems
OT 774 Practicum: OT Center
OT 775 Occupational Therapy in Children and Youth
OT 780 Mgmt Policy & Ethics in OT
OT 785 Prof Comp for Advanced OT Prac
OT 810 Professional Reasoning IV: Integrated Seminar and Synthesis
OT 870 Cognition, Perception, and Occupation Across the Lifespan
OT 880 Professional Competencies
OT 883 Critical Theories and Research Methods in Occupational Therapy Practice
OT 885 Advanced Doctoral Experience
OT 887 Health Promotion, Community and Occupation
OT 889 Dissemination Science and Advancing Practice of Occupational Therapy
OT 890 Special Topics
OT 891 Innovation Project - Discover
OT 892 Innovation Project - Build
OT 893 Innovation Project - Improve
OT 894 Research IV: Dissemination and Capstone
OT 895 Capstone Continuation
OT 896 Innovation Project - Inform
OT 897 Innovation Project - Design
OT 898 Directed Research
OT 899 Independent Study - OT
OH 776 Assistive Technology in OT
OH 780 Disability and Society
OH 781 Low Vision Rehabilitation
OH 782 Rehabilitation Technologies for Stroke
OH 783 Interprofessional Approaches to Transitions in School-Age Children
OH 784 Community Based Rehabilitation
OH 785 DEI for HP Student
OH 802 Interprofessional Health Promotion: Community and Industry
OH 881 Analyzing Influences in Health Care and Service Delivery
OH 882 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Health Professions
OH 883 Clinical Research Methods
OH 884 Outcomes Measurement
OH 885 Leadership in Interprofessional Teams
OH 886 Teaching and Learning in the Health Professions
OH 888 Quality Improvement and Program Evaluation in the Health Professions
PA 650 Foundations of Medicine
PA 720 The PA Profession
PA 721 The PA in Practice
PA 722 The PA in the Community
PA 730 Essentials of Dermatology
PA 731 Essentials of Musculoskeletal Disease and Injury
PA 732 Essentials of Hematology & Oncology
PA 733 Essentials of Pulmonary Medicine
PA 734 Essentials of Neurology
PA 735 Principles of Behavioral Medicine
PA 735 Principles of Behavioral Medicine
PA 736 Essentials of Cardiovascular Disease
PA 737 Essentials of Otolaryngology & Ophthalmology
PA 738 Essentials of Gastroenterology
PA 739 Essentials of Endocrinology
PA 740 Essentials of Nephrology & Urology
PA 741 Principles of Reproductive Medicine
PA 750 Patient Care I
PA 751 Patient Care II
PA 752 Patient Care III
PA 760 Health Promotion Disease Prevention
PA 770 Principles of Surgery, Emergency, & Inpatient Care
PA 800 Preparation for Clerkship
PA 820 Clerkship 1
PA 821 Clerkship 2
PA 822 Clerkship 3
PA 823 Clerkship 4
PA 824 Clerkship 5
PA 825 Clerkship 6
PA 826 Clerkship 7
PA 827 Clerkship 8
PA 828 Clerkship 9
PA 830 Seminar I
PA 840 Seminar II
PA 850 Seminar III
PA 860 Senior Seminar
PA 865 Summative Examination
PT 601N Fund Pt/Client Management 1
PT 602N Fund Pt/Client Management 2
PT 603N Fund Pt/Client Management 3
PT 604N Pt/Client Mgmnt: CVP 1
PT 605N Pt/Client Mgmnt: CVP 2
PT 606N Pt/Client Mgmnt: Upper Extrem
PT 607N Pt/Client Mgmnt: LE/Gait
PT 608N Pt/Client Mgmnt: Head Neck
PT 709N Pt/Client Mgmnt: Hip Lumbopelv
PT 710N PT/Client Mgmt: SCI & Amp
PT 711N Pt/Client Mgmt: Acq Brain Dys
PT 712N PT/Client Mgmnt: Balance
PT 713N PT/Client Mgmt: Degen/Lifespan
PT 741N Clinical Experience I
PT 742N Clinical Experience II
PT 899-05 Center Practicum
PT 814N Pt/Client Mgmt: Contxt Factors
PT 815N Pt/Client Mgmt: Pol Pract Lead
PT 843N Clinical Internship
PT 845 Clin Res in Orthopaedic Pt
PT 850A Capstone Initiation
PT 850B Capstone Continuation
PT 850N Capstone Completion
PT 880CE Special Topics: IMPACT PT Center
PT 880N Special Topics
PT 899 Independent Study in PT
RS 910 Introduction to Concepts in Research in Rehabilitation Science
RS 920 Research Design in Health and Rehabilitation Science
RS 930 Statistics for Health and Rehabilitation Science 1
RS 932 Statistics for Health and Rehabilitation Science 2
RS 940 Advanced Measurement in Health and Rehabilitation Science
RS 951 Teaching Practicum for PhD/RS
RS 970 Mentored Experience in Research
RS 990 Independent Study - Rehabilitation Science
RS 997 Continuing Student Pre-Qualifying Exam
RS 998 Dissertation Continuation
HRS 950 Foundations of the Craft of Teaching
HRS 952 Interfacing Tech & Rehab
HRS 960 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Rehabilitation Science