

Any student who fails to meet the academic and clinical standards set forth below will be subject to academic or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the program.

A. Academic

ABSN students:

  1. If a student fails a course, that course may be repeated. An IHP course can only be repeated one time. Failure of the repeated IHP course will result in dismissal from the nursing program. If a student repeats a course and is successful the second time, both grades will stand on the transcript, but only the second grade will be considered in determining GPA.
  2. Students are limited to two course failures during the entirety of their program. If they do not meet the minimum passing grade in more than two courses, or one course twice, it will result in a program dismissal.
  3. Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.3 (77%) each semester. Failure to do so will result in an academic warning/remediation alert. The student must regain a 2.3 (77%) GPA by the end of the following semester, if the student is able to progress based on the availability of course offerings. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program. Students must earn a course grade of 77% or above in prelicensure (500) courses.
  4. Violation of the Institute’s Academic Integrity Policy or the SON Code of Professional Behavior for Students will subject the student to IHP Academic and Disciplinary Actions.
  5. Failure to meet the IHP Immunization and Certification Requirements, OSHA
  6. , HIPAA, and CPR requirements will result in the student’s inability to attend clinical placement experiences and will subject the student to the SON Clinical Absence Policy.

Master’s students:

Direct Entry Nursing (DEN)

  1. If a student does not achieve the minimum passing grade in a Direct Entry Nursing (DEN) course (77% in prelicensure (600) courses and 80% in advanced practice courses (700 or above)), that course may be repeated. An IHP course can only be repeated one time.
  2. Failure of the repeated IHP course will result in dismissal from the nursing program. If a student repeats a course and is successful the second time, both grades will stand on the transcript, but only the second grade will be considered in determining GPA.
  3. Students are limited to two course failures in the Prelicensure portion of the program and one subsequent course failure in the Advanced Practice portion of the program.
  4. If they do not meet the minimum passing grade in more than three courses (2 Prelicensure courses and 1 Advanced Practice course), or one course twice, it will result in a program dismissal.  
  5. If a DEN student has no failures in Prelicensure courses and fails an Advanced Practice course, any additional course failure will result in dismissal (maximum of 2 course failures in AP courses if no failures in Prelicensure). DEN students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (83%) each semester. Failure to do so will result in an academic warning. The student must regain a 3.0 GPA by the end of the following semester, or when course offerings are available.
  6. Violation of the Institute’s Academic Integrity Policy or the SON Code of Professional Behavior for Students will subject the student to IHP Academic and Disciplinary Actions.
  7. Failure to meet the IHP Immunization and Certification Requirements, OSHA, HIPAA, and CPR requirements will result in the student’s inability to attend clinical placement experiences and will subject the student to the SON Clinical Absence Policy

Master's Students

  1. If a student does not achieve the minimum passing grade of 80% (B-) in a Master's course, that course may be repeated. An IHP course can only be repeated one time.
  2. If the student does not achieve the minimum passing grade (80%) in the repeated IHP course, it will result in dismissal from the nursing program. If a student repeats a course and is successful the second time, both grades will stand on the transcript, but only the second grade will be considered in determining GPA.
  3. Students are limited to two course failures during the entirety of the Master's program. If they do not meet the minimum passing grade in more than two courses, or one course twice, it will result in a program dismissal.  
  4. Master's students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (83%) each semester. Failure to do so will result in an academic warning. The student must regain a 3.0 GPA by the end of the following semester, or when course offerings are available. If the student does not regain a 3.0 GPA, it may result in a loss of financial aid and scholarships. 
  5. Violation of the Institute’s Academic Integrity Policy or the SON Code of Professional Behavior for Students will subject the student to IHP Academic and Disciplinary Actions.
  6. Failure to meet the IHP Immunization and Certification Requirements, OSHA, HIPAA, and CPR requirements will result in the student’s inability to attend clinical placement experiences and will subject the student to the SON Clinical Absence Policy.

Certificate of Advanced Practice (CAS) Students

  1. If a student does not achieve the minimum passing grade of 80% (B-) in a CAS course, that course may be repeated. An IHP course can only be repeated one time.
  2. If the student does not achieve the minimum passing grade (80%) in the repeated IHP course, it will result in dismissal from the nursing program. If a student repeats a course and is successful the second time, both grades will stand on the transcript, but only the second grade will be considered in determining GPA.
  3. Students are limited to two course failures during the entirety of the CAS program. If they do not meet the minimum passing grade in more than two courses, or one course twice, it will result in a program dismissal.  
  4. CAS students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (83%) each semester. Failure to do so will result in an academic warning. The student must regain a 3.0 GPA by the end of the following semester, or when course offerings are available. If the student does not regain a 3.0 GPA, it may result in a loss of financial aid and scholarships. 
  5. Violation of the Institute’s Academic Integrity Policy or the SON Code of Professional Behavior for Students will subject the student to IHP Academic and Disciplinary Actions.
  6. Failure to meet the IHP Immunization and Certification Requirements, OSHA, HIPAA, and CPR requirements will result in the student’s inability to attend clinical placement experiences and will subject the student to the SON Clinical Absence Policy.

DNP students:

  1. Students who fail to achieve the Minimum Passing Grade (83% B) in each one semester course (9 credits per semester, except for the culminating 7-credit course in the final semester) must take a Leave of Absence (LOA) and return in the next cohort (next academic year, same semester) to repeat a course.
  2. If a student fails a course, that course may be repeated. An IHP course can only be repeated one time. Failure of the repeated IHP course will result in dismissal from the nursing program. If a student repeats a course, both grades will stand on the transcript, but only a second grade will be considered in determining GPA.
  3. Students are limited to one course failures during the entirety of their program. If they fail more than one course, it will result in a program dismissal.
  4. Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) each semester. Failure to do so will result in an academic warning. The student must regain a 3.0 (B) GPA by the end of the following semester.
  5. Violation of the Institute’s Academic Integrity Policy or the SON Code of Professional Behavior for Students will subject the student to IHP Academic and Disciplinary Actions.
  6. All students need to register in Complio. Failure to meet the IHP Immunization and Certification Requirements, OSHA, HIPAA, and CPR requirements will result in the student’s inability to accrue clinical hours. 

[Revised March 2023]