ECE 400 Infant/Toddler Mental Health and Trauma Informed Practice

This course provides students with an overview of infant/child mental health, including an investigation into its importance in the overall well-being and development of a child as well as how social and emotional development impact the trajectory of development. Trauma informed practice is an underlying theme in this course as well as the role of attachment and trusting relationships with caregivers, teachers and other adults, particularly as they impact healthy responses and overall health and development of the young child. Twenty-five hours of field work are required for this course. Pre-requisite(s): ECE 200 and ECE 301. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


ECE 450 Early Childhood Education Primary Practicum Field Experience

This advanced course continues to integrate educational theory and understanding with field experience. ECE 451 is the first of two consecutive quarters of field experiences at the primary level; the course is linked to Student Teaching. Concurrent study and field experience help candidates’ bridge theory and practice with an emphasis on integration of content, differentiation, assessment, and child guidance. Candidates meet weekly to explore and analyze experiences and demonstrate independence in applying concepts learned in their classrooms as they progress to student teaching. Candidates are required to complete 2 full days each week in a primary classroom (minimum of 120 hours). Prerequisite(s): Admission to NCE, a grade of C or ECE 350, ECE 351, current TB test, mandated reporter and background check required. Co-requisite(s): ECE 451. 2 quarter hours


ECE 451 Early Childhood Education Primary Practicum Seminar

This advanced course continues to integrate educational theory and understanding with field experience. ECE 451 is the first of two consecutive quarters of field experiences at the primary level; the course is linked to Student Teaching. Concurrent study and field experience help candidates’ bridge theory and practice with an emphasis on integration of content, differentiation, assessment, and child guidance. Candidates meet weekly to explore and analyze experiences and demonstrate independence in in applying concepts learned in their classrooms as they progress to student teaching. Candidates are required to complete 2 full days each week in a primary classroom (minimum of 120 hours). Prerequisite(s): Admission to NCE, a grade of C or better in ECE 350, ECE 351, current TB test, mandated reporter and background check required. Co-requisite(s): ECE 450. Required of all ECE BA Type 04 candidates. 3 quarter hours


ECE 452 Gateways to Opportunity Level 5 Competencies

This course is designed for Undergraduate Educator Preparation majors that have previously obtained a Gateways to Opportunity Level 4 ECE Credential. Packaged in one course, the Level 5 competencies are needed for an Early Childhood Educator to obtain a Level 5 Credential, once a Bachelor’s Degree is completed. Competencies included cover content in Human Growth and Development, Health, Safety, and Well-Being, Interactions, Relationships, and Environments, Observation and Assessment, Curriculum or Program Design, Family and Community Relationships, and Personal and Professional Development. Field hours and/or a secure place of employment with children ages birth-to-five is required for this course. Pre-requisite(s): Students must have a Gateways to Opportunity Level 4 ECE Credential (or have demonstrated competencies in all of the Level 2-4 competencies) prior to taking this course. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-5 quarter hours

1 TO 5

ECE 460 Early Childhood Practicum

Students in this course complete a half-day experience of student teaching in an early childhood setting for ten weeks. Successful completion of this experience is based on a wide variety of competencies, including having full responsibility for a classroom over an extended period during the term, usually two weeks. Students also participate in a weekly seminar, which deals with their concerns and experiences as beginning teachers. Prerequisite(s): Completion of ECE 202, ECE 205, ECE 206, SPE 300, ECE 310, ECE 315, ECE 405, and ECE 406 or their equivalents; Consent of department; Background check. 7 quarter hours


ECE 470 Early Childhood Education: Student Teaching

Students in this course complete a full day experience student teaching in a K-2 classroom for 11-12 weeks. Weekly seminars are conducted for all student teachers and topics include problems, issues and concerns of beginning teachers. Successful completion of this experience is based on a wide variety of competencies including full responsibility for a classroom over an extended period (at least two weeks) during the term. This course is the culminating experience for early childhood majors seeking licensing in the state of Illinois. Pre-requisite(s): All coursework must be completed before student teaching. Passage of the ECE Content Test (#206) is required. Students are required to submit a current (no more than 6 months old) criminal background check and TB test to their academic advisors along with a Certificate of Completion for the Mandated Reporter course. Co-requisite(s): None. 10 quarter hours

10 TO 14

ECE 480 Internship in Infant/Toddler Studies

This course is a culminating experience for students in the Early Childhood Practice program. Through an internship experience, students will demonstrate an internship experience, students will demonstrate frameworks that the ECP program is aligned to. The purpose of this internship will be for students to work in an infant/toddler setting of their choice and exhibit high levels of quality work and competency through a master project that demonstrates their learning and development over the entire program. One-hundred hours of field work are required for this course. Pre-requisite(s): ECE 200, ECE 301, ECE 302, ECE 321, ECE 334, ECE 400, ECE 341 and ECE 342. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


ECE 492 Internship: Child Care Center and Preschool Practice

Students will serve as interns in an approved child care center or preschool that provides a daily program of education and care for a minimum of 100 hours. Under the discretion of a mentor and with the University supervision, students will engage in all aspects of site management or of instruction and care, including daily interaction with children, parents, teachers, staff, and other constituents. A weekly seminar will support this activity. Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing in Early Childhood Education and approval of the department. 7 quarter hours


ECE 492A Internship: Child Care Administrator

Participants will serve as interns or assistants in an approved child care center that provides early care and education programming for children ages 0-12 for a minimum of 200 hours. Under direct supervision of a child care administrator and with University supervision, participants will engage in all aspects of managing a child care program. A weekly seminar will support this activity. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 7 quarter hours


ECE 492B Internship: Family Child Care

Participants will serve as interns or teaching assistants in an approved family child care setting that provides developmental support and care for a minimum of 200 hours. Under the direction of a mentor and with University supervision, participants will engage in all aspects of daily interaction with children in the mixed age group setting. A weekly seminar will support this activity. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 7 quarter hours


ECE 493 Internship: Infant and Toddler Care and Development

Students will serve as interns or teaching assistants in an approved infant-toddler setting that provides developmental support and care for a minimum of 100 hours. Under the direction of a mentor and with University supervision, participants will engage in all aspects of daily interaction with children ages birth to 3. A weekly seminar will support this activity. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 7 quarter hours