FRN 301 Advanced French Conversation

Advanced review and expansion of grammar and idiomatic expressions to prepare students for the 400-level courses. A broad variety of activities and reading materials are used to develop conversational proficiency and improve accuracy in oral and written expression. Conducted in French.



Two years of college French, four years of high school French, or equivalent.

FRN 302 Advanced French Conversation and Composition

Continued review and expansion of grammar, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions. A broad variety of activities and reading materials are used to develop conversational proficiency and improve accuracy in oral and written expression. Weekly compositions on a variety of topics. Conducted in French.



FRN 301

FRN 381 Language Learner Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond

Participants will become familiar with how experts in the field consider the language learning process and how theories of second language acquisition connect to their own efforts to learn a foreign language. More importantly, participants will reframe how they go about learning a foreign language, try new strategies, and document what they have done through a diary research project.