Code of Professional Behavior for Students

The MGH Institute of Health Professions (IHP) School of Nursing abides by the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and expects students also to abide by the Student Nurses Association code of ethics. The School of Nursing (SON) community is a microcosm of the professional arena. In addition to the requirements for conduct articulated in the HIPAA privacy rules, and the IHP Catalog: Safety and Security section, this SON Code of Professional Behavior (hereafter known as the “Code”) is aimed at assuring an environment that is conducive to optimal student learning and professional development, thereby protecting patient, student, faculty, and staff safety.  In addition, the Code assures that graduates of the IHP uphold the highest standards of personal and professional integrity. Toward that goal, the SON must evaluate students’ professional conduct in the same way it does scholarship and clinical proficiency. Evaluation is focused on the student’s obligations toward the IHP community of faculty, students and staff across learning and professional environments. Professional environments include, but are not limited to, the classroom (in person or online), the laboratories, and inpatient, outpatient, and community clinical sites. The clinical environment also includes any volunteer efforts where students are representing the IHP.

It is the goal of Partners HealthCare System Inc. (PHS) and its affiliate, the IHP, to provide a safe, comfortable, productive, professional and educational environment that is free from disrespectful, harassing, and offensive behavior, both in person, or via information communication technologies such as social networking sites and other electronic and digital media.  This means that all students must treat one another and all other members of the IHP and PHS communities with dignity and respect, and, as a health care professional, adhere strictly to all requirements directed at protecting patient health information, safety, and confidentiality. Furthermore, students are expected to adhere to professional boundaries. As per the National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) standards in their document on professional boundaries:

“As a health care professional, a nurse strives to inspire the confidence of clients, treat all clients and other health care providers professionally, and promote the clients’ independence. Clients can expect a nurse to act in their best interests and to respect their dignity. This means that a nurse abstains from obtaining personal gain at the client’s expense and refrains from inappropriate involvement in the client’s personal relationships.”
