b. Performance Rating System

Each category on the faculty evaluation for which a faculty member has some responsibility is given a performance score. Each of the performance scores is then weighted according to the percentage of total effort that is assigned to that area of responsibility. The simple sum of the weighted performance scores is the overall performance score. The online system will automatically calculate the overall performance score. For example:


 Performance Score

 Weighting (% total effort)

 Weighted Performance Score



 0.5 (50%)




 0.2 (20%)




 0.3 (30%)



  4.0 = overall score


The scoring system, approved by the Faculty Senate, is based on an equal interval five-point scale, where five represents “significantly exceeds expectations” and one is “below expectations.” Scores may be given in 0.5 increments. This rubric assumes a holistic approach and allows academic unit leaders to exercise professional judgment. An explanatory comment must accompany performance scores.