AERO - Aerospace Studies

AERO 1101 Heritage and Values I

A survey course designed to introduce students to general aspects of the U.S. Department of the Air Force, AF Leadership, AF benefits, and opportunities for AF officers. The course also lays the foundation for becoming an Airman by outlining our heritage and values. The application of professional communication skills is included. Laboratory (AERO 1111) required for AFROTC students.


AERO 1102 Heritage and Values II

A continuation of AERO 1101. A survey course designed to provide students with a historical perspective such as lessons on war and US military, AF operations, principles of war, and airpower. As a whole, this course provides students with a knowledge-level understanding for the employment of air and space power, from an institutional, doctrinal, and historical perspective. Laboratory (AERO 1112) required for AFROTC students.


AERO 1111 Leadership Laboratory

A study of Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, career opportunities in the Air Force, and the life and work of an Air Force commissioned officers. Field trips to Air Force installations may be included when funding permits. Physical training and fitness evaluations are required. Instruction is conducted within the framework of an organized cadet corps with a progression of experiences designed to develop leadership potential. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 1101.


AERO 1112 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 1111. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 1102.


AERO 2101 Team and Leadership Fundamentals I

A survey course requiring students to apply leadership perspectives when completing team building activities and discussing topics like listening, followership, full range leadership, problem solving, and standards and accountability. The application of professional communication skills is included. Laboratory (AERO 2111) required for AFROTC students.


AERO 2102 Team and Leadership Fundamentals II

A continuation of AERO 2101. The course requires students to apply leadership perspectives when completing team building activities and discussing topics like conflict management, human relations, and ethical decision-making. The application of professional communication skills is included. Laboratory (AERO 2112) required for AFROTC students.


AERO 2111 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 1112. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 2101.


AERO 2112 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 2111. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 2102.


AERO 3111 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 2111. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 3301.


AERO 3112 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 3111. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 3302.


AERO 3301 Leading People and Effective Communication I

A study of advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership. Special emphasis is placed on effectively leading people and learning tools to apply in AERO 3111. The application of professional communication skills is included. Corequisite: Concurrent laboratory AERO (3111) enrollment required for AFROTC students.


AERO 3302 Leading People and Effective Communication II

A continuation of AERO 3301. The course continues into advanced leadership skills and ethics training with the goal of preparing students for officership and supervision. Corequisite: Concurrent laboratory AERO (3111) enrollment required for AFROTC students.


AERO 4111 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 3112. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 4301.


AERO 4112 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 4001. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 4302.


AERO 4301 National Security

A study of the basic elements of national security policy and process. The course explores air and space power operations as well as selected roles of the military in society and current domestic and international issues affecting the military profession. Special emphasis is placed on speaking and writing skills in the unique military-style format. Concurrent enrollment in AERO 4111 is required for AFROTC students. This course may also be taken by non-AFROTC students without the lab. Prerequisite: upper-level standing or consent of instructor.


AERO 4302 Leadership Responsibilities & Commissioning Preparation

This course prepares the student for active duty through the study of the responsibility, authority, and functions of an Air Force commander as well as selected provisions of the military justice system. Special emphasis is placed on speaking and writing skills in the unique military-style format. Laboratory (AERO 4112) enrollment required for AFROTC students.