BSYS - Business Systems

BSYS 3315 Introduction to Supply Chain Management

An overview of supply chain management focusing on both the product and services aspects of the supply chain and logistics.  Emphasizes the logistical flow process from suppliers to manufacturers to distributors to retailers to the final customer.  Examines the application of technology in the supply chain process.  Explores topics including modes of transportation, warehousing, materials handling, inventory management, order fulfillment, and the economic aspects of the supply chain. Prerequisite: MATH 1315

BSYS 3325 Production Operations Management

Management of the production and operations functions of manufacturing and service organizations will be studied. This course includes practical applications of quantitative methods in the analysis of the production and operations functions. Topics cover production objectives, plant location and facilities, quality and inventory controls, and systems analysis. Prerequisites: BMGT 3310; BQBA 2302 or its equivalent.


BSYS 3355 Distribution and Inventory Management

Analyzes the logistical aspects of inventory management, transportation, distribution centers, domestic and global procurement, location analysis, and varying costs aspects related to supply chain partners. Prerequisite: BQBA 2302.

BSYS 3385 Purchasing and Procurement

Analyzes purchasing and procurement aspects of the supply chain process including policies, procedures, contractual agreements, supplier selection, production and inventory control, competitive advantage and benchmarking, negotiation, and customer relations. Prerequisite: BQBA 2302.

BSYS 4325 Business Analytics and ERP

This course addresses the ever-growing need for businesses to understand and capitalize on massive amounts of data being collected throughout the organization in order to make detailed and highly effective decisions. Topics include defining the problem, data collection, predictive analytics, transforming data into knowledge, data storage and querying, and knowledge presentation. Prerequisite: BSYS 3325

BSYS 4330 Supply Chain Management with ERP

In this course the student will be introduced to the study of the movement of materials, services, and information from supplier to manufacturer or service provider to the customer. All aspects of the supply chain will be explored including coordinating and integrating the movement of resources within and among the stakeholders involved in the supply chain and the information technology aspects associated with the supply chain. Emphasis will be placed on managing the supply chain using ERP. Prerequisite: BSYS 3325. Lab fee.


BSYS 4335 Enterprise Architecture and ERP

In this course, students are introduced to a process-oriented view of the organization. They will learn about the organization’s relationships with suppliers and customers as well as gain a basic business knowledge in the core functional areas that are common to all organizations. Students will achieve a foundational understanding of how enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and supply chain management (SCM) systems can automate the relationships between these core areas. By getting hands-on experience with SAP, one of the leading ERP systems in the world, students will be able to see how automation of these core functional areas can help achieve seamless integration and provide a high level view of the overall organization. Prerequisite: BSYS 3312. Lab Fee.


BSYS 4370 Supply Chain Management and Capstone Project

In this course, students will learn project management principals and techniques and apply them in a supply chain management setting. They will also apply supply chain management techniques using an ERP simulation. Prerequisites: BSYS 4330 and Senior standing. Lab fee.


BSYS 4395 Internship in Business Systems

This course permits students to enhance their knowledge within Business Systems through the application of concepts, principles, and techniques learned in the classroom. It consists of supervised paid or unpaid activity as a professional-level intern for an employer with an approved internship program. Application must be approved prior to registration. Prerequisite: Senior standing; 3.0 G.P.A. in major and overall; and written consent of the Associate Dean prior to registration. Administration fee.