HIST - History

HIST 1311 History of World Civilizations to 1500

A survey of selected civilizations and cultures from prehistory to approximately 1500, focusing on social political, economic, religious, and intellectual themes which had on-going influence within and between cultures.


HIST 1312 History of World Civilizations since 1500

A survey of selected civilizations and cultures from approximately 1500 to the twentieth century, focusing on social, political, economic, religious and intellectual themes, particularly the impact of expanding Western civilizations on other regions and the development of globalization.


HIST 2311 American History to 1877

A survey of the political, economic, and cultural dimensions of the United States from early explorations to 1877.


HIST 2312 American History since 1877

A survey of the political, economic, and cultural dimensions of the United States from 1877 to the present.


HIST 2340 Historical Inquiry, Research, and Method

A study of the specific skills, competencies, and points of view used by professionals in the field of history. This course also examines the fundamental principles and theories relevant to historical inquiry and reviews the standards of historical research and writing. No Prerequisites required.


HIST 3313 History of Texas

A study of the social, economic, and political history of Texas from the period of colonization to the present. Prerequisite: HIST 2311 or 2312, or instructor's consent.


HIST 3314 The American South

A study of the South from its colonial beginnings to the present. Special emphasis is placed on the history and development of slavery before the Civil War and of black southerners after. Prerequisite: HIST 2311 or 2312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 3325 History of the American Presidency

A study of the development of the power, the influence, and the limitations of the chief executive, including the President of the United States, state governors, and other executives in the American System. Prerequisite: HIST 2311 or 2312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 3340 Asian History

This course will consider the political, social, military, and cultural history of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia from the mid-1800s to the present day. Students will analyze the development of various forms of government including colonialism in India, Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines. In addition, class-members will assess the stereotypes embraced by both western and Asian leaders, and determine how various misconceptions and national traits resulted in occupation and even war. Prerequisite: HIST 2340


HIST 3362 History of Latin America

A study of Central and South America including European heritage, discovery, exploration and settlement, colonial institutions and government, struggles for independence, and the establishment of national states. Prerequisite: HIST 1311 or 1312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4090 History Capstone

All history majors will complete test covering competencies in using the tools of historical research, vocabulary, analysis, and content. Students will also submit reflective essays responding to experiences in their coursework. Class assessment is on Pass/Fail basis. Prerequisite: Senior standing.


HIST 4195 Internship

This course allows the student to obtain credit for interning in a position related to his/her major or minor field of study. It must be pre-approved by the faculty in the History and Political Science Department. Credit hours awarded will be related to the number of hours worked, with at least forty-five hours of internship required for each credit hour awarded. Internships may be either paid or unpaid for field experience. All internships also will contain an academic component supervised by a faculty member in the Department. The internship plan must be approved by all parties prior to registration for the class. This class will be assessed on a Pass/Fail basis. While the class may be repeated once, only 3 hours may count toward the History major or minor. Prerequisites: Junior standing and at least a 3.0 GPA.


HIST 4295 Internship

This course allows the student to obtain credit for interning in a position related to his/her major or minor field of study. It must be pre-approved by the faculty in the History and Political Science Department. Credit hours awarded will be related to the number of hours worked, with at least forty-five hours of internship required for each credit hour awarded. Internships may be either paid or unpaid for field experience. All internships also will contain an academic component supervised by a faculty member in the Department. The internship plan must be approved by all parties prior to registration for the class. This class will be assessed on a Pass/Fail basis. While the class may be repeated once, only 3 hours may count toward the History major or minor. Prerequisites: Junior standing and at least a 3.0 GPA.

HIST 4311 Constitutional History of the US I

A study of the historical evolution of the United States Constitution with an emphasis on court decisions concerning federalism, separation of powers, and economics. (Same as POLS 4311) Prerequisite: HIST 2311 or 2312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4312 Constitutional History of the US II

A study of the historical evolution of the United States Constitution with an emphasis on court decisions concerning civil rights and civil liberties. (Same as POLS 4312) Prerequisite: HIST 2311 or 2312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4313 History of Western Political Thought Through the Enlightenment

A study of the history of political theory with emphasis on Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Aquinas, and Machiavelli. (Same as POLS 4313) Prerequisite: HIST 1311 or 1312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4314 History of Western Political Thought from the Nineteenth Century to the Present

A study of early modern and modern western political theory with emphasis on Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, the English utilitarians, Marx, and Nietzsche. (Same as POLS 4314) Prerequisite: HIST 1311 or 1312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4315 History of Modern Africa

This course will review Africa’s history from the early 1800s to the end of the 20th century and will focus on the themes of imperialism, resistance movements, and the evolution of post-colonial societies. Students will examine such topics as travelers and missionaries, the Mau Mau Rebellion, genocide, child soldiers, and the diamond trade. Prerequisite: HIST 2340.


HIST 4316 Women's History

This course will examine how gender and sexuality intersect with race, ethnicity, and nationality in a comparative and global context. Prerequisite HIST 2340.


HIST 4321 Colonial & Revolutionary America

A study of the economic, political, and cultural development of the English settlements in North America from their establishment through the revolutionary struggle and its aftermath to 1789. Prerequisite: HIST 2311, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4322 Age of Jefferson & Jackson

A study of American history from 1789 to 1850, including the organization of government under the Constitution, the rise of political parties, nationalism, expansion, and the development of sectionalism. Prerequisite: HIST 2311, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4323 Civil War & Reconstruction

A study of the constitutional, economic, and intellectual crisis of the United States in the 1850s, the disruption of the Union, the Civil War, and the Reconstruction era to 1877. Prerequisite: HIST 2311 or 2312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4324 Emergence of Modern America

A study of the development of urban-industrial America which examines the impact of industrialism on American economic, political, and cultural life through the Progressive Era. Prerequisite: HIST 2312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4325 Contemporary America

A study of the economic, political, and cultural life of the United States from the close of World War I through World War II, domestic America after 1945, and the Cold War era. Prerequisite: HIST 2312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4330 History of Church State In the U.S.

A study of the interaction of religion, politics, and the state from colonial times to the present from historical, legal, and social scientific perspectives. (Same as POLS 4330) Prerequisite: HIST 2311 or 2312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4340 Ancient Greece & Hellenistic World

A study of social, economic, political, and cultural developments in Greece from the Mycenaean period through the Alexandrian Empire and the Roman Republic. Prerequisite: HIST 1311, and HIST 2340, or instructor consent.


HIST 4342 Roman Empire & Medieval World

A study of social, economic, political, and cultural development in the later Roman Empire, medieval Europe, Byzantium and Islam to circa 1400 c.e. Prerequisite: HIST 1311, and HIST 2340, or instructor consent.


HIST 4371 19th Century Europe, 1815-1914

A study of the development of Europe from the end of the Napoleonic era through the beginning of World War I. Prerequisite: HIST 1312, and HIST 2340, or instructor’s consent.


HIST 4375 Twentieth Century Europe

A study of the leading European states from the onset of World War I through the fall of the Soviet Union and its effects. Special attention is given to the origin, philosophy, and significance of communism, socialism, fascism, and Nazism. Prerequisite: HIST 1312, and HIST 2340, or instructor consent.


HIST 4376 Early Modern Europe, Renaissance to 1789

A study of the rise of modern Europe from the Renaissance to the French Revolution. Focus will be on social, religious, political, and philosophical changes, including the development of absolutism and constitutional forms of government. Prerequisite: HIST 1312, and HIST 2340, or instructor consent.


HIST 4391 Seminar

A study of a selected historical topic designed to acquaint advanced students with techniques of historical research and writing. Credit will be given upon completion of an acceptable research paper. The course may be repeated with a change of topic.


HIST 4395 Internship

This course allows the student to obtain credit for interning in a position related to his/her major or minor field of study. It must be pre-approved by the faculty in the History and Political Science Department. Credit hours awarded will be related to the number of hours worked, with at least forty-five hours of internship required for each credit hour awarded. Internships may be either paid or unpaid for field experience. All internships also will contain an academic component supervised by a faculty member in the Department. The internship plan must be approved by all parties prior to registration for the class. This class will be assessed on a Pass/Fail basis. While the class may be repeated once, only 3 hours may count toward the History major or minor. Prerequisites: Junior standing and at least a 3.0 GPA.