
HUMA 1x91 Selected Topics in the Humanities

This class explores specialized topics in the Humanities. Variable credit available. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

HUMA 2350 Humanities: Origins

Intensive Socratic seminar that offers readings of great texts from the world of the ancient Greeks and Hebrews. Likely readings would include selections from the Old Testament, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, and Greek drama. For motivated students who are willing to undertake a demanding reading workload. Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, ENGL 1322; CSBS 1311 (or concurrent enrollment) This course will satisfy 3 hours of the ENGL literature requirement.

HUMA 2355 Foundations of the Humanities

The course will be a seminar-style exploration of the philosophical aspects of the humanities- the nature of the relationship between imagination and truth, the distinct forms of knowledge that literary works afford their readers, the habits of mind that such works cultivate in their readers, and the parallels between secular and sacred forms of imaginative writing. HUMA 2355 aims to introduce students to some of the foundational matters in the humanities, and to encourage forms of critical reading that deepen student understanding of literary works not only as objects they might contemplate but also as means by which they might be moved toward a truly good life. Prerequisite: ENGL 1322 

HUMA 2360 Explorations

This course is an interdisciplinary, team-taught seminar which combines multiple facets of the liberal arts in order to explore the theories, suppositions, assumptions, and explanations regarding a central topic, issue, or concept of focus. The underlying goal of the course is to gain an understanding of how various disciplines within the arts, humanities, and sciences have had both a symbiotic and antagonistic relationship in regard to explaining and exploring topics of importance.

HUMA 2x91 Selected Topics in the Humanities

This class explores specialized topics in the Humanities. Variable credit available. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

HUMA 3x91 Selected Topics in Humanities

This class explores specialized topics in the Humanities. Variable credit available. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

HUMA 4090 Humanities Workshop

All Applied Humanities and Classical Humanities Minors will complete a comprehensive exam covering specified learning objectives of the major programs involved in each curricula with a particular focus on the global perspectives and world views gained. Students will also submit reflective essays responding to experiences in their coursework as well as a sample of representative work. Class assessment in on Pass/Fail basis. Prerequisite: to be taken in the students’ last semester of course work.

HUMA 4x91 Selected Topics in Humanities

This class explores specialized topics in the Humanities. Variable credit available. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.