THEA - Theatre

THEA 1100 Dramatic Production

Work on aspects (set construction, prop fabrication, lighting, etc.) of UMHB productions as assigned by the instructor.  May be repeated for credit. Fee.

THEA 2230 Stage Movement

An introduction to stage directions and how actors move on stage. Students will learn blocking techniques, nuances of expression and positioning, and basic dance techniques for the stage.


THEA 2250 Theatre Design Tech I

An introduction to the fundamentals of stage management, including instruction in basic lighting, sound and scenic design. 

THEA 2310 Acting I

Study of the fundamentals of interpreting character and the technique of stage movement. Practical experience in 10- minute scenes performed in a laboratory setting. 


THEA 2350 Theatre Appreciation

A survey of theatre architecture, writing, acting, and stagecraft from 5th century B.C. Greece to the present. Special concentration is centered on "peak" periods in theatrical history and dramaturgy.


THEA 2360 History of Costume

A survey of costuming used in Western Theatre from earliest times to the present. Practical experience in costume design.


THEA 3100 Dramatic Production

Work on aspects (set construction, prop fabrication, lighting, etc.) of UMHB productions as assigned by the instructor. May be assigned as a crew head for the production. May be repeated for credit. Fee.


THEA 3250 Theatre Design Tech II

A continuation of THEA 2250 to include functional application of lighting, sound, and costume design, as well as basic scenic and stage prop construction. Prerequisite: THEA 2250


THEA 3320 Acting II

A continuation of THEA 2310. Students will continue to develop acting skills with an emphasis on script analysis and play structure. Prerequisite: THEA 2310.


THEA 3350 Play Production for Secondary Teachers

Study and discussion of problems in directing plays, including play selection, casting, organization, and conducting rehearsals. Analysis of dramatic structure, reading one-act plays, and preparation of a director's manuscript.


THEA 4300 Directing

Study of the basic techniques of working with actors as well as the analysis of plays for production and the "geometry" of stage blocking. Practical experience in direction of a project negotiated with the instructor.


THEA 4350 Playwriting

Study of plotting, analysis, and dialogue in the preparation of a dramatic work. Practical experience in creative writing of one-act and/or full length plays. Prerequisite: DRAM 2350.


THEA 4391 Seminar

A study of selected topics in Theater. The topic will be announced prior to registration.