BMGT - Management

BMGT 3310 Fundamentals of Management

The management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling will provide the framework for a study of management theories, research, and problem solving. Prerequisite: BADM 1301.


BMGT 3315 Organizational Behavior

This course is a study of human behavior in organizations at the individual and group levels. Included topics are individual behavior, attitudes, perceptions, and motivations; group dynamics, interpersonal relations, communication, cooperation, and conflict; and organizational change, development, power, influence, and culture. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BMGT3310.


BMGT 3321 Human Resources Management

Human resources management studies will include the personnel functions of employment planning, recruitment, selection, training and development, compensation, labor relations, and government regulations administration. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BMGT 3310.


BMGT 3330 Negotiation and Conflict Management

This course is designed to explore theories, processes, and practices of conflict management and negotiation strategies for managerial activities. Special emphasis will be given to the areas of interpersonal and intergroup conflict, in addition to interpersonal influence techniques and the tactics and strategies involved with improved conflict management, bargaining, and negotiation. Prerequisite: BMGT 3310.


BMGT 3334 Team Management

Issues related to team-based organizations are examined. Focus is placed on team development and leadership, including factors associated with high performing teams. Differences between team-based and traditional organizations are examined. Skills are developed to deal with problems faced by team leaders. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BMGT 3310.


BMGT 3340 Project Management

This course is an introduction to the Project Management discipline from the management perspective. It is based on the foundations of the Project Management Institute and allows students to apply the knowledge learned from other management courses. Areas covered include communication, team management, leadership skills and evaluation of projects. Technology covered include scheduling and reading within Microsoft Project. Prerequisite: BMGT 3310


BMGT 3345 Nonprofit Management

Nonprofit Management provides students with an overview of nonprofit organizations and operations. The course covers both general management practices that apply to all public and private organizations (marketing, strategic planning, inter-organizational relations, human resources, ethics, and financial management) and practices unique to nonprofits (boards and governance, volunteer management, legal responsibilities, fundraising, etc.). Prerequisite: BMGT 3310.

BMGT 3360 Entrepreneurial Management

The purpose of this course is to develop the skills required to manage and grow a new venture, whether it is a for-profit or not-for-profit entity, through each of the stages of growth that new firms undergo. A successful entrepreneur needs to be able to not only envision and launch a new company, but also be able to manage a new company well and grow it successfully from a start-up to an on-going, business organization where other people like to work and can succeed. This course also exposes students to the entrepreneur who works inside a large organization and the skills required in that context. Prerequisite: BMGT 3310.


BMGT 4322 Small Business Management

This study of starting and managing a small business is centered around a business plan. This includes formulating a business idea, assessing the market potential, selecting a location, selecting a legal form of organization, arranging financing, securing necessary supplies, meeting governmental regulations, securing and retaining appropriate employees, instituting accounting records, establishing appropriate controls, and developing production systems. Prerequisite: BMGT 3310.


BMGT 4332 Managing Workplace Diversity

This course focuses on developing knowledge and skills for diversity awareness and management in the workplace. Students will examine how their own experiences shape their ability to effectively lead across multiple dimensions of diversity, including gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, and disability, among others.



BMGT 4340 International Management

This course examines the challenges facing managers that are competing in a global economy. Students learn to apply management concepts and techniques in a multinational, multicultural environment. In particular, students will obtain a working knowledge of the customs, cultures, and management practices of the major economic countries in the world. Global managers in today's world must be comfortable not only in dealing with internal managerial issues confronting their organizations but also external issues including the political, legal, theological, geographical and economic environments. Prerequisite: BMGT 3310.


BMGT 4349 Strategic Management & Policy

Skills learned in many disciplines such as Management, Finance, and Marketing will be integrated to solve business case problems. Chief executive-level decision making under conditions of uncertainty will be practiced. Prerequisites: BACC 2310, BFIN 3311, BMGT 3310, and BMKT 3311, taken during final semester.

BMGT 4395 Internship in Management

This course permits students to enhance their knowledge within their major field of specialization through application of concepts, principles, and techniques learned in the classroom. It consists of supervised paid or unpaid activity as a professional-level intern for an employer with an approved internship program. Application must be approved prior to registration. Prerequisite: Senior standing, 3.0 GPA in major and overall, and consent of the Associate Dean.