African and African American Studies B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in African and African American Studies is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

AFR 165/HIS 165Intro to Afr-Amer History(HIS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 222Intro to African-Amer Studies

1 Course Credit

AFR 260/HIS 260Survey of African His (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 350Sem in Afr & Afr-Amer Std

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

AFR 450Sem in Afr & Afr-Amer Std II

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

Four (4) additional one-credit AFR courses. At least one (1) of these course credits must be chosen from a Social Science area and at least one (1) from a Humanities area, as follows or as approved:

Social Science Area

AFR 132/SOC 132Intro to Race in America (SOC)

1 Course Credit

AFR 202/PSC 202/WGS 202Women & Afr Amer-Pol(WGS/PSC)

1 Course Credit

AFR 225/APS 225/PSJ 225/SENS 225Envr Justice(SENS/APS/PSJ/WGS)

1 Course Credit


AFR 356/HIS 356Sem-African-Amer History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

Humanities Area

AFR 135/ENG 135/WGS 135Afr-Amer Women Writer(WST/ENG)

1 Course Credit

AFR 138/MUS 135Black Music Ensemble(MUS 135)

1/4 Course Credit

AFR 141/ENG 141African-American Lit (ENG)

1 Course Credit

AFR 212/ENG 212Lit-Caribbean Women(ENG/WST)

1 Course Credit

AFR 230/APS 230African Amer-Appalachia(APS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 231African Amer Rel Traditions

1 Course Credit

AFR 234/MUS 234Afr-Amer Mus:Overview(MUS)

1 Course Credit

NOTE: AFR 138 (also MUS 135) is a .25-credit course that must be repeated to equal one full credit; only one (1) total course credit for Black Music Ensemble may be counted in the major.

Exploring the Major — Students considering African and African American Studies as a major should begin exploring the discipline through introductory AFR courses, choosing one or more that appeals to them. Most 100-level or 200-level AFR courses can serve this purpose.

Admission to the Major — No special curricular requirements must be met for admission into the African and African American Studies major.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms) AFR 165 (also HIS), AFR 222, and AFR 260 (also HIS) must be completed before enrolling in AFR 350/450 (according to junior/senior status).

Other Considerations in the Major — Transfer students who come to Berea with the experience of having courses in Africana Studies will have their previous course considered for credit as a distribution course in the AFR major.