Mathematics B.A.

The Mathematics major is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to:

  1. pursue graduate study in the mathematical sciences;
  2. find mathematics-related employment in business or industry upon graduation;
  3. teach mathematics at the secondary level; or
  4. acquire mathematical tools for use in the physical, social, or life sciences.

Degree Requirements

A major in Mathematics is achieved by the completion of a minimum of 8 MAT courses at or above the 135 level (excluding MAT 201, MAT 202, MAT 203, and MAT 308), plus a collateral CSC course, and a capstone requirement as follows, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

MAT 135Calculus I

1 Course Credit

MAT 214Linear Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 225Calculus II

1 Course Credit

MAT 315Fundamental Concepts of Math

1 Course Credit

MAT 330Calculus III

1 Course Credit

NOTE: For each course waived based on test scores, an additional course above MAT 135 must be completed satisfactorily.

Required Capstone Course

MAT 426Math Lit: Rdg & Communication

1 Course Credit

MAT 492Senior Mathematics Seminar

1/4 Course Credit


Approved research experience

MAT 492 is a 1/4-credit course

Required Distribution Courses

A minimum of 3 courses chosen from

MAT 311Probability

1 Course Credit

MAT 312Operations Research

1 Course Credit

MAT 321Foundations of Geometry

1 Course Credit

MAT 432Abstract Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 433/CSC 433Numerical Analysis (CSC)

1 Course Credit

MAT 434Real Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 435Complex Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 436Topology

1 Course Credit

MAT 437Differential Equations

1 Course Credit

MAT 438Statistics

1 Course Credit

Courses must satisfy each of the following four groups.

Courses may satisfy more than one category:

MAT 321Foundations of Geometry

1 Course Credit

MAT 432Abstract Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 434Real Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 436Topology

1 Course Credit

MAT 311Probability

1 Course Credit

MAT 312Operations Research

1 Course Credit

MAT 433/CSC 433Numerical Analysis (CSC)

1 Course Credit

MAT 438Statistics

1 Course Credit

MAT 433/CSC 433Numerical Analysis (CSC)

1 Course Credit

MAT 434Real Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 435Complex Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 437Differential Equations

1 Course Credit

MAT 311Probability

1 Course Credit

MAT 312Operations Research

1 Course Credit

MAT 321Foundations of Geometry

1 Course Credit

MAT 432Abstract Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 436Topology

1 Course Credit

MAT 438Statistics

1 Course Credit

Required Collateral Course

One (1) course credit chosen from the following:

CSC 111Storytelling-Comp Animation

1 Course Credit

CSC 114Business App & Prog (BUS)

1 Course Credit

CSC 125Intro to Internet Programming

1 Course Credit

CSC 126Intro to Robotics

1 Course Credit

CSC 226Software Design & Implement

1 Course Credit

CSC 236Data Structures

1 Course Credit

Required Senior-level Courses

At least two (2) course credits chosen from

MAT 432Abstract Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 433/CSC 433Numerical Analysis (CSC)

1 Course Credit

MAT 434Real Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 435Complex Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 436Topology

1 Course Credit

MAT 437Differential Equations

1 Course Credit

MAT 438Statistics

1 Course Credit

Each of these courses may also satisfy a distribution requirement as described above.

Exploring the Major— Students considering this major should begin exploring the discipline through some of the required core courses as soon as possible. If they wait until sophomore year, it will be difficult to be accepted into the Mathematics program. An example of a good start in the major would be to complete or waive MAT 125 and MAT 135 during their first year and then to complete or waive MAT 225, MAT 330, MAT 315 and, if time allows, MAT 214, by the end of sophomore year.

Admission to the Major— Each applicant to the major is reviewed and careful consideration of his or her overall performance in the Program is the primary criterion determining admittance.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms)—Because upper-level course offerings alternate by term and by year, students who complete the required core courses prior to the start of their junior year will have greater flexibility in the design of their programs.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major— Students must have a minimum major GPA of 2.0 calculated on MAT courses at the MAT 135 level and higher. Students who wish to complete the capstone experience with an approved research experience will be expected to submit a short paper and give an oral presentation to the faculty based on some focused element of their greater research project.

Other Considerations or Recommendations— In addition to the major requirements described above, it is strongly recommended that majors elect courses from another discipline in which mathematics currently is applied. These electives and the program of study within the Mathematics Program should be determined in consultation with the Academic Advisor according to the student’s interests and professional and educational intentions.

Students interested in gaining certification to teach in the area of Mathematics must double major in Education Studies with a focus in Teaching and Curriculum with Certification. For more information, see the requirements for majoring in Education Studies with a Concentration in Teaching and Curriculum in the Education Studies section of the catalog.