Philosophy B.A.

The major in Philosophy is designed to acquaint students with each of the discipline’s traditional areas of investigation (logic, ethics, and metaphysics) with significant texts and thinkers from the long history of philosophy, and with contemporary work in the field. The advanced seminars in Philosophy focus on contemporary philosophic issues and provide opportunity for development of informed, adequate responses to philosophic questions that are based on rigorous reasoning, previous study, and relevant research in the discipline.

Degree Requirements

A major in Philosophy is achieved by the completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

PHI 305Classical Philosophy

1 Course Credit

PHI 310Philosophy: Descartes to Kant

1 Course Credit


PHI 315Kant & Philosophical Legacies

1 Course Credit

PHI 214Approaches to Ethics

1 Course Credit

PHI 106Introductory Reasoning

1 Course Credit


PHI 218Symbolic Logic

1 Course Credit

PHI 380Philosophy Seminar I

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

PHI 480Philosophy Seminar II

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

At least three additional PHI course credits, chosen in consultation with the Program, two of which must be above the 100 level


Exploring the Major— Students considering Philosophy as a major should begin exploring the discipline through any of several introductory courses, choosing one or more that most appeals to them. Except for PHI 106 or PHI 218, any 100-level or 200-level course can serve this purpose.

Admission to the Major— No special curricular requirements must be met for admission to the Philosophy major.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms)— There are no mandatory course sequences for this major. However, students who have already decided to major in Philosophy should complete PHI 106 or PHI 218 as soon as possible. Also, PHI 214 or PHI 305 are good choices for those who have already decided on a Philosophy major. PHI 380 and PHI 480 (offered every Spring Term) meet jointly as one course; thus, Philosophy majors take two seminars in Philosophy.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major— In addition to completing specific course requirements, each student must satisfy program standards for written and oral communication.

Other Considerations or Recommendations— Those considering graduate study in Philosophy should complete PHI 218, study a foreign language (which can be used to fulfill the International Perspective in General Education), and, in consultation with Philosophy faculty, develop and complete an Independent Study in Philosophy (390/490A or 390/490B). Through course offerings and in other ways, Philosophy faculty assists students interested in the study of law. For guidance in preparing for law school, see Dr. Robert Hoag, the Pre-Law Coordinator, and “Pre-Law” under Pre-Professional Programs.