Women’s and Gender Studies B.A.

Participants in the Women’s and Gender Studies major not only learn about gender experience from a variety of disciplines, but also directly apply their knowledge in the framework of an internship or directed study. Women’s and Gender Studies students also gain professional experience through Berea College’s Labor Program as teaching associates or as workers in the office of Women’s and Gender Studies.

Degree Requirements

A major in Women’s and Gender Studies is achieved by the completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for the degree:

Required Core Courses

WGS 102West Civ II:Std in Gendr (HIS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 124Intro to Women & Gender Studie

1 Course Credit

WGS 127Riding the Waves of Feminism

1 Course Credit

WGS 315Classic Texts in Women's & Gen

1 Course Credit

WGS 350Seminar I

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

WGS 450Seminar II

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

One of the following:

WGS 386/486

WGS 390/490

WGS 395/495

WGS 397/497

WGS 398/498

One (1) additional course from the following:

WGS 302Intro to Queer Theory (ENG)

1 Course Credit

HIS 335Topic Sem-Modern European His

1 Course Credit

WGS 236/HLT 236Women & Health (HLT)

1 Course Credit

Other courses approved by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program

Two (2) additional courses, one chosen from a Social Science area, and one from a Humanities area, as follows:

Social Science Area
WGS 202/AFR 202/PSC 202Women & Afr Amer-Pol (AFR/PSC)

1 Course Credit

WGS 207/CFS 207Family Relations (CFS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 220/APS 220Gender in Appalachia (APS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 225Envr Justice(AFR/SENS/PSJ/APS)

1 Course Credit

WGS 236/HLT 236Women & Health (HLT)

1 Course Credit

WGS 310/COM 310Communication and Gender (COM)

1 Course Credit

WGS 325/SOC 325Gender and Sex Roles (SOC)

1 Course Credit

WGS 366Cross-Cultrl Persp-Fam(CFS)

1 Course Credit

Other courses approved by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program

Humanities Area
WGS 135African-American Women Writers

1 Course Credit

WGS 211/REL 211Women in Religion (REL)

1 Course Credit

WGS 212/AFR 212/ENG 212Lit-Caribbean Women (ENG/AFR)

1 Course Credit

WGS 223Theologies of Liberation (REL)

1 Course Credit

WGS 237Women and Literature (ENG)

1 Course Credit

Other courses approved by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program

A total of 10 courses is required.