CFS 210 Found of Early Childhood Edu

Prerequisite: CFS 130; GSTR 210; or permission of instructor

This course is designed to help students develop a philosophy of teaching and learning for working with young children. Current thought and practice will be examined in light of the early childhood profession and its historical, philosophical, and social foundations. Public policy, legal implications, and a code of ethics will be studied. Theoretical perspectives including psychoanalytic theories, social-learning theories, behaviorism, cognitive and developmental theories, the humanistic models, and the normative-descriptive systems will be used to establish a framework for analysis and assessment. Historical and contemporary models of early childhood education, enrichment programs, and comprehensive, compensatory, and intervention models will be examined in view of their effects on children, families, and communities. A special emphasis will be on researching, reviewing, and critiquing the current scholarly literature related to the topics covered in this course. Ten hours of directed observations are required. 1 Course Credit


1 Course Credit