2017-2018 Catalog
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Course Descriptions
APS - Appalachian Studies
ARH - Art History
ART - Art
AST - Asian Studies
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CFS - Child and Family Studies
CHI - Chinese
CHM - Chemistry
CLS - Classical Studies
COM - Communication
CSC - Computer Science
ECO - Economics
EDS - Education Studies
ENG - English
FRN - French
GER - German
GRK - Greek
GST - General Studies
GSTR - General Studies Required
HEB - Hebrew
HHP - Health and Human Performance
HIS - History
HLT - Health
JPN - Japanese
LAT - Latin
LES - Law Ethics and Society
MAT - Math
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SOC - Sociology
SPN - Spanish
TAD - Technology and Applied Design
THR - Theatre
WELL - Wellness
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2017-2018 Catalog
Course Descriptions
» EDS - Education Studies
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EDS - Education Studies
EDS 150 Int-Ed:Think About Lrng,Tchg
EDS 215 Science for Teachers
EDS 227 Child Dev & School Structure
EDS 228 Adolescent Dev & School Struct
EDS 324 Methds I Teach. Middle Grades
EDS 325 Methds I: Gen Methds H. School
EDS 330 Extended School Experience
EDS 335 Integrated Curr I
EDS 338 Methds II STEM Disciplines
EDS 339 Methds II Teachg in Humanities
EDS 340 Stdts with Spec Needs P-5 & Mi
EDS 346 Literacy in the Context Area
EDS 347 Literacy: Primary, P-3
EDS 349 Education and Culture
EDS 355 Extended Experience in Alternative Settings
EDS 385 Content Teach Meth Pract II an
EDS 390A Independent Study
EDS 390B Independent Study w/o ALE
EDS 395 Internship
EDS 398 Directed Study
EDS 435 Integrated Curriculum II
EDS 440 Integrated Curriculum III
EDS 471 Midl Grades Student Tchg Sem
EDS 472 Midl Grades Student Teaching
EDS 479 MethdsIII Learning & Assessmnt
EDS 480 Stdts with Special Needs - Sec
EDS 481 Student Teaching Seminar:P-12,5-12,8-12
EDS 482 Student Teaching:P-12,5-12,8-12
EDS 484 Capstone Teaching Practicum
EDS 485 Content Teach Meth Prac III
EDS 487 Elementary Student Teaching
EDS 490A Independent Study
EDS 490B Independent Study w/o ALE
EDS 495 Internship
EDS 498 Directed Study