2017-2018 Catalog
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Course Descriptions
APS - Appalachian Studies
ARH - Art History
ART - Art
AST - Asian Studies
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CFS - Child and Family Studies
CHI - Chinese
CHM - Chemistry
CLS - Classical Studies
COM - Communication
CSC - Computer Science
ECO - Economics
EDS - Education Studies
ENG - English
FRN - French
GER - German
GRK - Greek
GST - General Studies
GSTR - General Studies Required
HEB - Hebrew
HHP - Health and Human Performance
HIS - History
HLT - Health
JPN - Japanese
LAT - Latin
LES - Law Ethics and Society
MAT - Math
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SOC - Sociology
SPN - Spanish
TAD - Technology and Applied Design
THR - Theatre
WELL - Wellness
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2017-2018 Catalog
Course Descriptions
» REL - Religion
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REL - Religion
REL 100 Religion in Global Context
REL 102 Intro to Study of Spirituality
REL 105 Intro to Old Testament
REL 107 Intro to New Testament
REL 109 Intro to Christian Thought
REL 110 Religion and the Arts
REL 126 Poverty and Justice
REL 132 Religions of China (AST)
REL 135 Religions of Japan (AST)
REL 136 African Trad Religion (AFR)
REL 202 Christians & Pagans (HIS)
REL 211 Women in Religion (WGS)
REL 212 Rel, Rhetoric, & Rationality
REL 215 Christianity to 1600 (HIS)
REL 222 Classical Mythology (CLS)
REL 225 Images of Jesus
REL 228 The Bible, His., & Archeology
REL 235 Christian Social Ethics
REL 240 Islam (HIS)
REL 242 Religion and Atheisms
REL 250 Judaism
REL 255 Therapeutic Hrsemnshp(ANRHHP)
REL 260 Buddhism (AST)
REL 308 Themes in Asian Tradition(AST)
REL 309 Themes in Abrahamic Traditions
REL 312 Religious Thought & Ethics
REL 320 Advanced Biblical Studies
REL 355 Sem in American Rel Hist (HIS)
REL 390A Independent Study
REL 390B Independent Study w/o ALE
REL 395 Internship
REL 398 Directed Study
REL 480 Seminar in Religion
REL 490A Independent Study
REL 490B Independent Study w/o ALE
REL 495 Internship
REL 498 Directed Study