2017-2018 Catalog
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APS - Appalachian Studies
ARH - Art History
ART - Art
AST - Asian Studies
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CFS - Child and Family Studies
CHI - Chinese
CHM - Chemistry
CLS - Classical Studies
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ENG - English
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HEB - Hebrew
HHP - Health and Human Performance
HIS - History
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JPN - Japanese
LAT - Latin
LES - Law Ethics and Society
MAT - Math
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PSC - Political Science
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2017-2018 Catalog
Course Descriptions
» MUS - Music
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MUS - Music
MUS 100 Class Piano
MUS 101 Class Piano II
MUS 103 Class Voice
MUS 106 World Music
MUS 114S Sexuality and Music
MUS 115 Intro to Music Literature
MUS 118A Fundamentals of Music, Part I
MUS 118B Fundamentals of Music, Part II
MUS 128S The Complete Performer
MUS 130A Chamber Singers
MUS 130B Jazz Ensemble
MUS 130C Women's Chorus
MUS 130E Chamber Music
MUS 130F Bluegrass Music Ensemble
MUS 130G Chamber Winds
MUS 130H African-Latin Percussion Ensmb
MUS 130I Contemp Percussion Ensemble
MUS 130J Country Dance Band
MUS 130K Folk Roots Ensemble
MUS 130M Mariachi Ensemble
MUS 130N Clarinet Ensemble
MUS 131 Concert Choir
MUS 132 Wind Ensemble
MUS 135 Black Music Ensemble (AFR 138)
MUS 147 Music & Culture of the 90's
MUS 220 Materials of Music I
MUS 221 Aural Harmony I
MUS 222 Materials of Music II
MUS 223 Aural Harmony II
MUS 224 Appalachian Music (APS)
MUS 232 American Popular Music
MUS 234 Afri-Amer Mus:Overview (AFR)
MUS 320 Materials of Music III
MUS 321 Aural & Keyboard Harmony III
MUS 322 Materials of Music IV
MUS 323 Aural & Keyboard Harmony IV
MUS 324 Music Composition
MUS 328 Tchg Brass & Percussion Instru
MUS 329 Teaching Woodwind Instruments
MUS 330 Music History I
MUS 331 Music History II
MUS 335 Mat & Meth of Elem Music
MUS 336 Fund Tchg Instrumental Music
MUS 337 Conducting
MUS 340O Organ Pedagogy
MUS 340P Piano Pedagogy
MUS 341 Studio Teaching
MUS 342V Voice Pedagogy & Diction
MUS 350O Organ Literature I
MUS 350P Piano Literature I
MUS 351O Organ Literature II
MUS 351P Piano Literature II
MUS 352 Vocal Literature
MUS 390A Independent Study
MUS 390B Independent Study w/o ALE
MUS 395 Internship
MUS 398 Directed Study
MUS 400 Senior Seminar
MUS 490A Independent Study
MUS 490B Independent Study w/o ALE
MUS 495 Internship
MUS 498 Directed Study