Lifetime Health and Wellness

As of Fall 2017, all incoming students are required to complete WELL 101 and WELL 102 in their first year of attendance.  Students not successfully completing WELL 101 and WELL 102 in the first year must complete the sequence in the second year. Students who do not complete the sequence by the 5th term are subject to suspension.  Students admitted on previous catalogs must complete HLT 100 (prior to 2016-17) or WELL 101 (2016-17 catalog).

Berea College offers courses, programs, and facilities intended to promote the wellness and personal well-being of students and employees.  This commitment is reflected in the adoption of the FRESH Start Quality Enhancement Plan.  In addition to WELL 101 and WELL 102, each student must complete two 1/4-credit activity courses chosen from the 200-level HHP activity courses (from two different areas).  Waivers from the 1/4-credit activity courses are provided for students awarded a letter in an intercollegiate sport.  Students who are awarded one letter in each of two different sports may waive both of the 1/4-credit requirements.  If the student’s swimming skills are below the minimal safety/survival levels, students are required to complete HHP 200 and this may count as one of the two 1/4-credit activity courses.