Practical Reasoning Requirement--Two Courses

The Practical Reasoning Requirement is met through the satisfactory completion of two courses, at least one of which must be firmly grounded in mathematics or statistics. Courses meeting this requirement are intended to help students discern connections, consider alternatives, and think about topics and issues from multiple perspectives.

Designations for Practical Reasoning Courses

An approved Practical Reasoning course that is "firmly grounded in mathematics or statistics" is called "Practical Reasoning with Quantitative Emphasis" and is given the designation "PRQ." Other approved Practical Reasoning courses are given the designation "PR."

The Committee on General Education (COGE) has approved the following courses to meet the Practical Reasoning Requirement. COGE continues to review departmental proposals for additional courses to meet this requirement in the General Education curriculum.

NOTE: Transfer credit for PSY 100 General Psychology does not meet the Practical Reasoning requirement but meets the Social Science Perspective.

Approved Courses (PR & PRQ)

Courses below have been designated by the Committee on General Education to meet the indicated requirement.  Special topics courses are approved on a term-by-term basis and approvals are listed in the Schedule of Classes.

Practical Reasoning--Quantitative Emphasis (PRQ)

CHM 131 Accelerated General Chemistry 1 Course Credit
CHM 134 Accelerated Environmental Chem 1 Course Credit
ECO 250 Applied Statistics 1 Course Credit
MAT 101/MAT 108 Math Modeling Using Computer 1 Course Credit
MAT 104 Introduction to Statistics 1 Course Credit
MAT 105 Intro to Discrete Math 1 Course Credit
MAT 108/MAT 101 Environ Issue:Math Model Appr 1 Course Credit
MAT 115 College Algebra with Modeling 1 Course Credit
MAT 125 Trigonometry with Applications 1 Course Credit
MAT 135 Calculus I 1 Course Credit
MAT 214 Linear Algebra 1 Course Credit
MAT 225 Calculus II 1 Course Credit
MAT 311 Probability 1 Course Credit
MAT 312 Operations Research 1 Course Credit
MAT 330 Calculus III 1 Course Credit
MAT 437 Differential Equations 1 Course Credit
PHY 130/PHY 225 Applied Mah for Physics & Eng. 1 Course Credit
PHY 225 Math Methods in Physics I 1 Course Credit
PSY 325 Stats & Rsrch Meth-Behav Sc II 1 Course Credit
SENS 320 Intro-Geographical Info System 1 Course Credit
SOC 340 Social Statistics-Diverse Soc 1 Course Credit
TAD 352 Quality Control 1 Course Credit

Practical Reasoning (PR)

BUS 114 Business App & Prog (CSC) 1 Course Credit
BUS 120 Accounting I 1 Course Credit
CFS 145 Consumer Decision Making 1 Course Credit
COM 201 Argumentation and Debate 1 Course Credit
COM 203 Persuasion 1 Course Credit
CSC 110 Craft of Computing 1 Course Credit
CSC 111 Storytelling-Comp Animation 1 Course Credit
CSC 114 Business App & Prog (BUS) 1 Course Credit
CSC 126 Intro to Robotics 1 Course Credit
GST 235 Intro to Behavioral Sciences 1 Course Credit
HIS 316 20th Cent Europe:Div & Recon 1 Course Credit
MAT 203 Geometry-Midl Grades/Elem Tchr 1 Course Credit
MAT 315 Fundamental Concepts of Math 1 Course Credit
PHI 104 Morality, Law & Philosophy 1 Course Credit
PHI 106 Introductory Reasoning 1 Course Credit
PHI 204/PSC 204 Justice&Law-Class Pol Phi(PSC) 1 Course Credit
PHI 207/PSC 207 Human Rights, Intl Law (PSC) 1 Course Credit
PHI 209/PSC 209 Freedom,Law,&Modern State(PSC) 1 Course Credit
PHI 214 Approaches to Ethics 1 Course Credit
PHI 218 Symbolic Logic 1 Course Credit
PHI 230 Reflecting on Nature 1 Course Credit
PHY 111 Introduction to Astronomy 1 Course Credit
PSC 204/PHI 204 Justice&Law-Class Pol Phi(PHI) 1 Course Credit
PSC 207/PHI 207 Human Rights, Intl Law (PHI) 1 Course Credit
PSC 209/PHI 209 Freedom,Law,&Modern State(PHI) 1 Course Credit
PSY 100 General Psychology*** 1 Course Credit
REL 235 Christian Social Ethics 1 Course Credit
SENS 100 Intro-Sustainability & Environ 1 Course Credit
SOC 335 Methods of Social Research 1 Course Credit

***PSY 100 does not meet the Practical Reasoning Requirement if brought in as a Transfer Course.