Digital Media Minor

Divisional Home: Division II

Minor Advisors: Daniel Feinberg and Scott Heggen

The Digital Media minor provides opportunities for coherent, explorational, and multidisciplinary study of the broad range of media that form such an important part of the world that we live in. Students taking this class will engage with multiple forms of digital media, both in terms of production and analysis. This approach aims to supplement and complement students’ major disciplinary study, whether they are preparing to enter graduate study or the world of work beyond Berea.

Degree Requirements

(Minimum of five course credits)

Required Survey Courses

Two (2) courses from the “Survey Courses” list below:
COM 211Broadcast Journalism I

1 Course Credit

CSC 111Storytelling-Comp Animation

1 Course Credit

CSC 121Introduction to Game Design

1 Course Credit

TAD 180Graphic Com and Design

1 Course Credit

THR 135Film Production

1 Course Credit


Required 400-Level Course

One (1) of the following 400-level options from the program most relevant to the student’s interests (e.g. THR 490B or TAD 495, etc.):
Directed Study 498

Independent Study 490B

Internship 495

Team Initiated Study 497B


Other courses approved for by the Digital Media minor steering committee.

Required Production Courses

Two (2) courses from the “Production Courses” list below:

COM 311Broadcast Journalism II

1 Course Credit

TAD 202Photography

1 Course Credit

TAD 382Advanced Graphics

1 Course Credit

THR 331Film Production: Documentary

1 Course Credit


Exploring the Minor:  We believe the student’s liberal art education will be enhanced with this minor, which encourages study and research across disciplines. Students in the past who have tried to create Independent Majors that more closely reflect their academic pursuits have had difficulty graduating on time. Being able to pursue a Digital Media Minor will alleviate some of that pressure.

Admission to the minor: No more than two (2) total credits can be transferred in for education abroad experiences and/or from other accredited institutions and applied to the Minor. Students are not allowed to combine a minor in Film Production with a minor in Digital Media. 

Course sequencing considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms): Unless there is approval from the relevant instructor, there are expectations that the survey courses be taken before the production courses and that the minor be completed with the 4XX course.

Proficiency requirements for retention in and completion of the minor: A “C” or higher is required in each of the five courses for successful completion of the minor.

Proficiency requirements for retention in and completion of the minor: A “C” or higher is required in each of the five courses for successful completion of the minor.