Mathematics B.A.

The Mathematics major is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to:

  1. pursue graduate study in the mathematical sciences;
  2. find mathematics-related employment in business or industry upon graduation;
  3. teach mathematics at the secondary level; or
  4. acquire mathematical tools for use in the physical, social, or life sciences.

Degree Requirements

A major in Mathematics is achieved by the completion of a minimum of 8 MAT courses at or above the 135 level (excluding MAT 201, MAT 202, MAT 203, and MAT 308), plus a collateral CSC course, and a capstone requirement as follows, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

MAT 135Calculus I

1 Course Credit

MAT 214Linear Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 225Calculus II

1 Course Credit

MAT 315Fundamental Concepts of Math

1 Course Credit

MAT 330Calculus III

1 Course Credit

NOTE: For each course waived based on test scores, an additional course above MAT 135 must be completed satisfactorily.

Required Capstone Course

MAT 426Math Lit: Rdg & Communication

1 Course Credit


Approved research experience

MAT 492 is a 1/4-credit course

Required Distribution Courses

A minimum of 3 courses chosen from

MAT 311Probability

1 Course Credit

MAT 312Operations Research

1 Course Credit

MAT 321Foundations of Geometry

1 Course Credit

MAT 337Differential Equations

1 Course Credit

MAT 415Combinatorics

1 Course Credit

MAT 432Abstract Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 433/CSC 433Numerical Analysis (CSC)

1 Course Credit

MAT 434Real Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 435Complex Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 436Topology

1 Course Credit

MAT 438Statistics

1 Course Credit

Courses must satisfy each of the following four groups.

Courses may satisfy more than one category:

MAT 321Foundations of Geometry

1 Course Credit

MAT 432Abstract Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 434Real Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 436Topology

1 Course Credit

MAT 311Probability

1 Course Credit

MAT 312Operations Research

1 Course Credit

MAT 433/CSC 433Numerical Analysis (CSC)

1 Course Credit

MAT 438Statistics

1 Course Credit

MAT 337Differential Equations

1 Course Credit

MAT 433/CSC 433Numerical Analysis (CSC)

1 Course Credit

MAT 434Real Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 435Complex Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 438Statistics

1 Course Credit

MAT 311Probability

1 Course Credit

MAT 312Operations Research

1 Course Credit

MAT 321Foundations of Geometry

1 Course Credit

MAT 415Combinatorics

1 Course Credit

MAT 432Abstract Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 436Topology

1 Course Credit

Required Collateral Course

One (1) course credit chosen from the following:

CSC 111Storytelling-Comp Animation

1 Course Credit

CSC 114/BUS 114Business App & Prog (BUS)

1 Course Credit

CSC 124Building Better Apps

1 Course Credit

CSC 126Intro to Robotics

1 Course Credit

CSC 226Software Design & Implement

1 Course Credit

CSC 236Data Structures

1 Course Credit

Required Senior-level Courses

At least two (2) course credits chosen from

MAT 415Combinatorics

1 Course Credit

MAT 432Abstract Algebra

1 Course Credit

MAT 433/CSC 433Numerical Analysis (CSC)

1 Course Credit

MAT 434Real Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 435Complex Analysis

1 Course Credit

MAT 436Topology

1 Course Credit

MAT 438Statistics

1 Course Credit

Each of these courses may also satisfy a distribution requirement as described above.

To learn more about program entrance and other degree progression requirements, please follow this link.