Psychology B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in Psychology is achieved by the completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

PSY 100General Psychology

1 Course Credit

PSY 225Stats & Rsrch Meth-Behav Sci

1 Course Credit

PSY 325Stats & Rsrch Meth-Behav Sc II

1 Course Credit

PSY 420His & Systems of Psychology

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

PSY 424Senior Research

1 Course Credit

Required Laboratory Courses

Two (2) laboratory courses, chosen from

PSY 207Principles of Learning w/ Lab

1 Course Credit

PSY 208Cognitive Psychology with Lab

1 Course Credit

PSY 209Social Psychology w/ Lab

1 Course Credit

PSY 210Ind/Org Psy with Lab

1 Course Credit

PSY 212Behavioral Neuroscience w/ Lab

1 Course Credit

PSY 214Ethology with Lab

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

Any three (3) additional PSY courses, no more than one to consist of either PSY 390/490 Independent Study, PSY 395/495 Internship, PSY 397/497 Team Initiated Study or PSY 398/498 Directed Study.


Required Science Collateral Course

Any one of the following, although BIO 100 or BIO 110 is recommended and preferred.  Students successfully competing PSY 212 (Behavioral Neuroscience with Lab) waive the Science Collateral Course Requirement.
BIO 100Introduction to Biology

1 Course Credit

BIO 110Modern Biology

1 Course Credit

CHM 131/CHM 134Accelerated General Chemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 134/CHM 131Accelerated Environmental Chem

1 Course Credit

PHY 127General Physics I with Algebra

1 Course Credit

PHY 221/PHY 315Intro Physics I with Calculus

1 Course Credit

PSY 212Behavioral Neuroscience w/ Lab

1 Course Credit


To learn more about program entrance and other degree progression requirements, please follow this link.