3.5 Incomplete Grade

The Institute’s Academic Grading Policies specify that:

“A student who does not complete all requirements for a course may arrange with the instructor(s) for a temporary grade of incomplete. Students must complete all course requirements to change an incomplete grade according to the timeline agreed upon by the instructor(s), not to exceed two calendar years from the date of the request. If a student does not complete the required work within the stipulated time period, the grade will automatically change to a "Fail". Permission from the instructor(s) will be required for extension of time for completion.”

For more information, see the Institute Catalog for “Incompletes” in the Grading Policy.

Students in the AuD program who request an Incomplete must also meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a student in good standing at the time of the request,
  2. Provide and substantiate a valid reason for the request,
  3. Complete at least 70% of all course requirements in chronological order (i.e., outstanding assignments from earlier in the semester may not be considered in the request)
  4. Have a grade of B- or better in the course at the time of the request.

The same requirements apply to clinical experiences.