COM 104 Connected World

Students will evaluate the impact of mass communication in a global society from a social and cultural aspect. Throughout the course, students will utilize communication technologies and understand personal and professional virtual spaces as places to develop, foster, maintain connections and engage with others. The interrelationship between various forms of communications including digital, interpersonal, professional, verbal, and visual will be explored and discussed. Students will analyze the legal aspects of ethical communication, evaluate the history, interpret theory, critique media and apply communication technologies to practice. This curriculum develops students’ communication competencies and builds essential skills for virtual and face-to-face interactions. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


COM 105 Writing in a Digital Age

Students will build foundational skills as writers in a global, digital society. The curriculum is grounded in practical experience and the everyday communication necessary for entry-level positions in Public Relations, Project Management and Journalism. Students will learn to effectively write letters, emails, proposals, news releases, Powerpoints, and standard communications that occur in almost every career field. Students will gather and analyze information in current media and examine legal and ethical issues in writing. At the end of this class students will know how to frame, create and deliver innovative content across multiple media formats. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101 and LAE 102 with a grade of "C" or better or equivalent as determined by advisor, and COM 104. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours