INT 310 Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences

Problem analysis, review and selection of appropriate data-gathering techniques, reporting system, and research design evaluation. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior standing. (May be used for Psychology, Human Services, Social Science and Health Studies credit.) Counts in the Behavioral Science or Social Science Area of General Education Requirements. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours


INT 315 Global Perspectives

In this course, students explore a series of interdisciplinary topics related to globalization from multiple perspectives of their professional and academic pathways, personal experiences, evolving news and accumulated data, and changing societal perspectives and attitudes. This course serves as an opportunity to integrate knowledge acquired in the first and second year of college in a coherent, well-argued personal position, supported by research that can be applied to disciplines that include business, education, public health, natural sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and others. Pre-requisite(s): Sophomore standing or higher (45 or more earned quarter credit hours). Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours