SCE 513 Science Inquiry and Content for Teachers

This course is designed to provide active inquiry and exploration of scientific content for teacher candidates. The main topics in this course are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and will increase teacher candidates’ knowledge and skills to participate in inquiry across the science domains (physical, earth , chemical, and life sciences) through a variety of hands-on scientific investigations. Course content focuses on science content, inquiry-based science pedagogy, and the integration of informal education resources and technology. Relevant connections between science content and teaching practices in the classroom will be explored and discussed. A course meets general education science content requirements for students in the Elementary Education MAT program. Pre-requisite(s): Previous coursework in General Biology or Physical Science. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


SCE 514 Science Inquiry in Physical Science for Elementary Teachers

This course is designed to provide active inquiry and exploration of scientific content for teacher candidates. The main topics in this course are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and will increase teacher candidates’ knowledge and skills to participate in inquiry in physical science content area through a variety of hands-on scientific investigations. Course content focuses on science content, inquiry-based science pedagogy, and the integration of informal education resources and technology. Relevant connections between science content and teaching practices in the classroom will be explored and discussed. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


SCE 582 Workshop/Science Education/Topic

1-4 semester hours

1 TO 6

SCE 590 Internship/Community Science Education

Provides an opportunity to develop both scientific knowledge and instructional skills in novel community settings. Internships available in informal science education institutions, such as science/natural history museums, zoos, aquaria, planetaria, environmental education centers, etc., or in corporate and governmental research and development laboratories. Placement made in consultation with the faculty advisor in accordance with student's career goals and experience. Supervised experiences must be in approved programs. The internship is supervised by an approved on-site mentor and a faculty member from Science Education department. Arrangements made with faculty advisor two quarters before registering for internship credit. Prerequisite(s): SCE 500: Science, Technology and Society, and consent of program coordinator. 5-7 semester hours

5 TO 7

SCE 594 Science Education Independent Study

Independent inquiry into a science topic can guide participants to a deeper understanding of science content and concept. This understanding can then be put to use in an educational setting, as science educators practice the instructional model of doing science as a scientist does. Through use of individualized investigative practices, science educators will more deeply examine content and instructional practices that facilitate understanding of essential science content. Through this course, the science educator is classroom implementation of science instruction. Pre-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

SCE 595A Special Topics: Great Lake Science, Teacher Development Badge Program

This course, aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and designed for classroom teachers, encourages the active exploration of the Great Lakes. The curriculum challenges participants on Invasive Species, Environmental Literacy, Science Literacy, and 21st Century Skills. Participants will enhance their competency in teaching about the Great Lakes environment and science while integrating 21st century skills into their K-12 classroom lessons. Participants will uncover relevant connections to their current teaching practice and the natural world. This course is offered in partnership with the Shedd Aquarium. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour